So the
BBC has confirmed the rumour.
*watches fandom go 'splodey*
I'm actually rather ambivalent about this. I adore Rose, I do, but I can't help but worry about the circumstances that are going to dictate this return. Will they still be fair to Martha and Donna? Is Rose going to overshadow them? Is it really Rose, the Rose we know and love? Will Rose be sticking around or will she tell the Doctor that she's finished and wants to lead her own life at UNIT or at Torchwood, with Jack, provided they ditch Gwen ;)?
Ideally, I'd want RTD to write the emotional impacts of this while someone else (Paul?) deals with the overall plot. RTD's brilliant at emotional writing, but is a bit rubbish at plot (see Exhibit A: Last of the Time Lords). I suppose you could say that I'm cautiously optimistic mostly depending on the circumstances of her return.
I just hope that the Rose we're going to get to see will be a more mature, grown-up, kick-arse version of the character we've known and loved. I want to see her go fight crime. I want her to be friends with Donna and Martha. I do want her to snog the Doctor, just once, as herself. Not to mention get the chance to snog Jack...because he's Jack and needs a snog from Rose ;) And the Doctor....
No matter what happens, it'll be interesting to watch.
Please, RTD, please, don't screw this up...