Fic: A Little Kink (1/1)

Sep 08, 2007 23:46

Title: A Little Kink
Authors: Gillian Taylor
Rating: PG-13 (rated for innuendo)
Characters: Jack Harkness, Ninth Doctor
Summary: Jack is a firm believer in the idea that everyone needs a little kink in their lives. Especially 900 year old Time Lords.
Spoilers: N/A, just that Jack's around :)
Disclaimer: Don't own them. I just like playing with them...a lot.
Archive: Sure, just let me know.

A/N: Thanks, as always, to my betas wendymr & nnwest. Extra thanks for Wendy's help with the ending and nnwest's assistance with the title. :) Gift-fic for un_sedentary's birthday. Happy Birthday, Julie! And, as a warning, here there be crack.

"A Little Kink"
by Gillian Taylor

He stares at the object, dumbfounded. Of all the things he expects to find in a wardrobe, a whip certainly isn't one of them. Then again, this is the TARDIS wardrobe. Maybe the Doctor has a fetish for whips to go along with his obvious obsession with leather.

Maybe he'd get a chance to find out.

A grin tugs his lips upwards as he fondles the rough leather of the whip. Maybe the Doctor likes it -

"See something you like, Captain?"

His head shoots upwards, feeling almost guilty at being caught. The whip is still in his lap and he forces himself to stop caressing the leather. "I see plenty of things that I like," he replies, letting his gaze travel slowly up the Doctor's body.

The Doctor doesn't seem to be distracted by his flirting. Damn. If anything, his attention seems to be riveted on the whip. Understanding dawns. He was right, wasn't he? The Doctor does have a fetish for whips.

The Time Lord's approach is almost seductive. Slow, predatory even, as he closes the distance between them. Reaching down, the Doctor tugs the whip from his hands and he feels the slow burn of the leather as it slides through his fingers.

"Been lookin' for this for years," the Doctor says, almost absently, as he coils the whip so it can hang loosely from his elbow. He half-turns away before he looks back at Jack, cocking his head to the side. "Want to see what it's for?"

Jack grins and scrambles to his feet, leaving his explorations alone. "Definitely!" He never thought the Doctor'd ask.

As the Time Lord leads him down several corridors, he lets his imagination run wild. He can see it now. There's a bed, of course. Silk sheets, mirrored ceiling, and leather. Everywhere leather. Leather straps, leather whips, leather headboard, leather walls. The Doctor will like to tie up his lovers, right? Letting the leather caress their skin before they're secured.

He feels himself stir at the thought. It's almost a surprise when the Doctor finally stops before a door and gives him a look. "You might want to stay in the hallway. Marvin gets a little cranky when he hasn't eaten."

Marvin? His eyes widen in shock. There's someone else on the TARDIS other than Rose, the Doctor and himself? Why hasn't he seen him? Unless, oh, yes. Marvin is the one the Doctor keeps captive for his desires. Maybe he can join in.

The Doctor opens the door and, past him, Jack can see what looks like a jungle. Plants are everywhere in just about every colour of the rainbow - including a few that he's never seen before.

Wait. There. Is that movement?

Several of the bushes are moving as though disturbed by a particularly large animal - or a person. Maybe the Doctor has fantasies about being some sort of jungle explorer? Maybe that's the reason behind the fetish with the whips? And who's Marvin?

He takes a cautious step forward as the Doctor unfurls the whip. The bushes are moving much more violently as Marvin - at least, he assumes that it's Marvin. Unless, of course, the Doctor has more lovers hidden in this jungle fantasy-land. - draws closer.

The Doctor gestures sharply with his free hand, telling him without words to keep back. With a slow, smooth motion, he tosses out the length of the whip, keeping a firm hold on the other end. The tip of the whip ends up closest to the bushes, which are now vibrating enough to make him astonished that they aren't losing leaves.

Inexplicably, the Doctor begins pulling the whip slowly backwards, then tossing it out again, almost like a lure. Is this a game? Maybe he likes to play with his lovers before the main event. He can work with that.

That's when he sees something that looks like a Venus fly trap with legs barrel out of the undergrowth to pounce on the end of the whip. As the Doctor twitches the end away from the creature, it pounces again.

"Marvin hasn't had much exercise over the past few weeks," the Doctor explains.

"Marvin?" he asks. Maybe it isn't leather that he has a fetish about now. Maybe it's plants.

"Versuvian man-eater. Useful sort of creature to keep around," the Doctor says and suddenly he gets a very bad feeling about this.

"Man-eating?" he repeats, and he's horrified to realise how high-pitched his voice is all of a sudden.

The Doctor's grin is wickeder than he's ever seen it. "Oh, yeah. And, like I said, he hasn't had enough exercise lately. So maybe you better... oh, I dunno... RUN?"

He runs. And, once he's reached the safety of the hallway, he decides that the next time he finds a whip, or any other tempting leather items of domination, he'll put them right back where they were.


fic, crack

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