If You're Gone~Chapter 2

Dec 24, 2007 01:35

Title: If You're Gone~Chapter 2
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairings: Lisa Turpin/Michael Corner
Rating: erm...PG
Warnings: Angst
Notes: Mostly for maybe_someday8, who plays a brilliant Michael. I love you wifey!

When Lisa woke up, it was in the antiseptic white walls of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies, staring at her hands. Clara Corner had done what little she could at home before bundling the girl off to St. Mungo's, and like a proper family, almost everyone else had followed out of concern. Lisa had won a place in most of their hearts with her cheerfulness, baked goods, and awkward confusion at the littlest things. Clara had privately wondered what her family life was like, but it hadn't been her place to say anything.

About an hour later, Lisa was staring at her hands, her voice choked. "You mean...he's gone? Really gone?" She started to cry again, and it seemed a bit silly, but she couldn't seem to stop it. "Where did he go?"

"Aw, come on, Lisa." Josh said hopefully, patting her leg as if she had been Eva. "you're too good for my idiot of a brother, just forget him."

"Joshua, you are not helping!" Clara declared, pushing him away. "Go, just...go--check on Dani." Really, it was anything to get him out of the room, as the poor girl was distraught enough. He sulked slightly; he had only been trying to help, and Clara let out a sigh of relief as she shifted close and held the girl, letting her cry it out. There was a lot of jumbled things she didn't understand, but that was the way with tears.

When Lisa was able to speak again, she glanced up at Michael's mother and tried to pull herself together. "Gone where?" She asked, voice hoarse. She had done it, what he had suggested, giving up everything she didn't really want, as well as everything she had ever been taught, and he was gone. It made her feel oddly hollow.

"America," Clara said, feeling bad that she had to hurt her even further. "Other than that, we have no idea."

Lisa did, she had heard him dream enough times that she knew where he would go. "Okay." She said softly. "Okay." There was really only one thing she could do after all.


Lisa hated L.A., if it wasn't sweltering hot, it was raining. If she wasn't being hit on, she was being ignored. L.A. made far too much sense to her for her to enjoy it. It was the Muggle version of the Pureblood elite, where everyone thought they were better than everyone else, and looked down their nose at anyone they had never heard of until the newcomer could drop names. Lisa was tired of playing that game.

It was raining when she finally found him, and she felt a little creepy, a little like a stalker, her coat wrapped around her in the rain, hair hanging in damp ringlets and watched from a distance as he flirted with a pretty brunette across from him, inside the dry warmth of a coffee shop. She practically saw the girl giggle and felt something inside her wrench. A thousand thoughts flew through her mind. He had never been so angry before, he had never not come back before, he had never left before, and in a moment of panic she could barely breathe. He looked happy--he was happy without her. She ruined everything.

So, she turned and walked away, throwing her wet hair over her shoulder, and glad for the rain to camouflage more of her tears, as she headed back to her hotel, because she knew if he rejected her she would break completely, and she needed to think.

michael/lisa, if you're gone, chaptered

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