...Goddamn Brian May clones...
I was online last night (with Megz per norm) and she's IMing Melissa, who's attacking her with her Brian May clones, armed with guitars.
They started beating the shit out of Megz. Pretty damn funny. That is until Melissa has them attack *me*. I shot a fair few of them, but damn strength in numbers.
So today I decide to look in the fridge for some cheesecake, because Megz is sick. Guess what I found ate all the cheesecake. About 5 of Melissa's Freddie Mercury clones. WHAT THE HELL?!
...So I killed them...which basically sprouted off in a clone vs. myself war. Megz was too busy getting the penguins out of the den to notice. I hate when she's sick.
Of course then Megz got down to work on work on the
Pheonix homepage. (The Band that she's in.)
Other than that my day has been normal.