The new batmobile sucks

Oct 28, 2004 22:54

I'm in the middle of three projects right now, and in essence, they are all due tomorrow. I have my project for math where I have to count to 1,000,000 and show how it can be done with equations and how long it will take and all that nonsense. Then I have the law essay I have to write about an important Supreme Court decision, which I haven’t even started. Then I'm making a mix cd for Katie. Its got some good shit on it, muse, dimmu, cradle, ministry, bauhaus, etc. Her last day of school is Friday and then she’s moving to Cumberland. She never told me this, I heard it from friends. So I figured a mix cd would be cool to give her as a going away present of sorts. I probably wont see her again except times at the mall if I decide to go. I'm going tomorrow to get out of the house. Kara is going so that’s gonna be cool, haven’t seen her in a while. Saturday, like most people living in or around the Boston area, I'm going to the red sox parade with Dan and Dennis and a bunch of other people. 5,000,000 people are expected to be there. We are leaving at either 6:45 or 8:45, depending on which train we want to take. I want to leave early but I don’t know about the others. Then we will get home around 5, chill for a little bit wherever, and then it’s off to Adam’s for halo or something like it. Sunday I'm free so if anyone wants to do anything, comment or give me a call.

Alright, I don’t feel like typing anymore than I have to, and vie got a lot of typing to do in the rest of the evening, and I'm sure I'm not going to finish it at all. Goodnight.
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