Garg! My car is dead!

Sep 29, 2009 17:00

Or at least the starter, solenoid or security system is messed up and won't let me turn the engine over >.< . Checked out all the easy things - battery, fuses, relays to the ignition, but all of those are working just fine. Even tried disconnecting the battery for about 10 minutes in case that would reset the security system, but no luck there... The solenoid has died before when my sister was driving the car long ago, but I think back then it wouldn't start when the car got warm - having the opposite problem now since it won't start after some big cold thunderstorm blew through. So it looks like I'm going to have to get it towed over to the dealer in Calumet sometime this week. Any car buffs out there with an idea to troubleshoot before it gets towed?

Edit: Woot! It Lives!!! The car was having the same problem when my sister was driving it at one point and my dad fixed it back then by engineering up a little wire connected directly to the starter which I simply plug into the cigarette lighter of the car when starting it up to make it work :3 Gogo bypassing the problem!
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