Nov 27, 2008 19:33
So it's Thanksgiving in the U.S. Happily, it is no longer here in Iraq.
I've been doing my damnedest to ignore the fact that it's a holiday. Christmas will be harder to do, I think. It's not a holiday without my family and friends. I don't want to think about it, I don't want it to feel like a holiday, not even a little bit.
I just want every day to blend into the next until it's time to go home. I don't want to be reminded that I've got 10 months to go. I don't want to be reminded that my son is getting older. I don't want to be reminded that this is one of a finite number of special days that I'm missing.
It's utterly selfish. I know this. But there it is.
Next topic: Fuck, it's boring now that I've finished my novel. I'm doing my best not to obsess too much about it. I want to get started on editing it now, but I want to distance myself from the material first. I've watched a couple movies in the past couple days. Re-watched, rather. Nothing new yet. I've laid out my book in pocket-size, to get an idea for the page-count. 240 pages. Obviously this'll change when I edit it. But that's something nice to know. Of course, it's interesting to note that none of the books I have here are less than 350 pages.
Lots of my friends and acquaintances are going on about this game Left 4 Dead. It's available on Steam for PC, and it's on the XBox. Once I get my computer, I'm probably going to check it out. It looks like it'll be a lot of fun, and I've a good deal of faith in Valve, especially when it comes to FPS games. I also really want Fallout 3, so I don't know which I'll get first. Both of them are available on Steam, so I wouldn't have to purchase a hard-copy. Both are around the same price. Of course, L4D is the hawtness right now, so I may get it so I can join in the fanboy craziness. I might even be able to multiplay, if the computer my wife bought improves the connection strength as much as she hopes. Reminds me, my internet expires tomorrow, so I need to purchase another month.
Fuck, that means I've been here just a month, not quite.
See? That's the kind of reminder I don't need.