Nov 25, 2008 01:16
First and foremost, my topic of obsession of late.
To clear up any lingering confusion, no, Chapter 28 isn't the last chapter. I've already written chapters 29 and 30, and I've got probably at least two more before I am done. I may actually hit 60k words before I'm actually finished with the draft.
I am, officially now, a NaNoWriMo winner.
Last night was a bad night for writing. I couldn't even be bothered to open the document until after midnight. Then I dozed in my chair for an hour. I'm not supposed to do that, but no one said anything. Then I started writing, and made half-ass decent time. I finished Chapter 29 (which is a doozy, weighing in at over 2000 words itself, and being the climax of the story)wrote 30 and got a good ways into 31.
I've been debating since getting off it I want to post these chapters, or wait until I'm done with the story. Right now I'm going to wait. If people who are reading want me to post them before I go in to work tomorrow, let me know. I go in at 1100 hrs (11:00 am) Arizona time, which is synched up with Mountain right now, if I recall correctly. Otherwise, I'll probably be able to finish it up at work, and have it posted by midnight (AZ) tonight.
This, along with my griping the other night, reminds me. I am online and logged in to IMs twice a day. I read e-mail and message boards pretty much all night at work, provided the internet doesn't want to suck that night, but my IM time is limited. If you're interested in talking to me, the following is my typical IM schedule.
(All times are in AZ time)
9:00am - 11:00am, I talk to my wife, and sometimes my mom, before I go to work.
~11:00pm - 1:00am, I get online and talk to my wife, when she's up, before going to bed, and I recheck e-mail, boards, etc.
I realize that these times are not the most convenient times for people in the states, but that's what I've got to work with. Anyone else wishing to correspond with me outside of those times may e-mail me. I check e-mail 3-4 times a night, more often if I'm expecting or hoping for an e-mail from someone. Because I have posted this, I will probably check my e-mail a solid dozen times tonight.
Anything outside of NaNo that's been going on, I can't really talk about. It's a little frustrating, but this information, even though it's in the past, is sensitive. As hit me tonight, when there was a question of an IED near one of our patrols, (that should be vague enough to say) this is the real shit. Things I do, things I say, things I make happen in or out of the TOC may cost people their lives. It's kind of scary.
Which reminds me, I'm supposed to report this journal to someone. I need to find out who, and do so. This is so they can monitor what I'm saying, and make sure I don't, accidentally or on purpose, say anything I'm not supposed to.
Anyhow, I'd really appreciate any warm thoughts you might want to send my way, here, in IMs, e-mail or however. It's a lonely time over here, so any contact I can get is welcome.