Apr 13, 2008 02:18
bah to Youtube and it's cut off time of videos being 10 minutes.
When I get on a good ramble, I like to ramble. And, generally, my video posts are greated than 10 minutes.
I'm working on it, but for now, my latest few video blogs are on hold, as I can't get them on the web anywhere.
So I'll try and type all that I said out (granted, this is my third attempt at this particular set of thoughts).
So, to begin. I went to New York this past weekend with Lee. We had a grand time. We left from my work on Friday, and drove up listening to great music the whole way. We swapped back and forth on our iPpods. Two song DJ stints before the other got control.
We arrived at our hotel, unpacked, and contacted Chris (Chris a friend of mine I met when I was in New York last for the Trade show.). We proceeded to meet up with Chris , Candace (Chris' girlfriend) and Helen (a friend of theirs) along with some other random folk that they knew, and we went to QXT's (I'm told it stands for Quixote's. Which makes me smile). This is a club where we danced quite a bit in a Gothy fashion until roughly 3am. We had to deal with some stupid Drunken shenanegans from Josh (on the the random folk) who was being an absolute ass, and had been drinkin Absynth all evening (good job guy. You win for the evening), but then we made our way to a Diner, which was all sorts of good times.
Saturday consisted of lots of wandering, and lots of shopping, and napping in Central Park, and just kind of lazing towards the end of the day. Lee saw Drummend(fuck if I know how to spell his name.) and we were supposed to see Chris and company again, but a photo shoot in Jersey took all day, and thus, they were detained.
Sunday, a bit more wandering, and we made our way to Candace's house to visit for a short bit before we moseyed (wow, THAT'S how you spell that??). Candace's house RULES by the by.
Sooo that was New York.
However, the trip made me see something, it made me realize something.
Candace is 27, she has her own Photography Studio, and she's fairly well off.
I thought to myself, I have 3 or so years before I am her age... I can totally pull that off.
I WANT to do that. Not photography specifically. But I want to be at that level of achevment professionally.
So here it is folks, my epiphany!
In 3 years time, I shall be running my very own Fabrication Studio. I shall make things from furniture, to props, to house type stuff, perhaps even costuming. I want to be able to do it all, but work on smallish scales. Nothing bigger than , say, a Sofa.
I am working on my plan to ensure this happens, and I don't just let is fade.
This plan consists of the first year being a solid learning and honing year. I shall spend it simply absorbing knowledge, and practicing these skills, along with my other skills. I have to learn, I have to know, I have to be capable before I can start this as a profession.
I also need a portfolio. So I am going to start documenting all of my exploits and projects. From here on out I am going to try and do for my self, instead of asking people to do for me.
I must learn, I must prepare.
I am also going to spend this year collecting tools. I have SOME now, but I need more. Many more. And beter quality versions of some of the ones that I already have.
So if any of you out there have tools you don't need, please let me know. I might be able to use them, take them off your hands, perhaps even pay you for them if you want.
Also, on another note. If there is anything you want made, let me know. I'll see what I can do about it. I need practice doing anything and everything that is connected to making stuff. So let's talk, I might be able to help you out.
I am excited.
I have NEVER, EVER had a moment in my life where I KNEW what I wanted to do. It's always been speculation, and self doubt, and uncertainty.
I KNOW this is what I want. I KNOW this is where I want to go. I just have to make sure it happens. So any help, sudgestions, comments, worries, what have you. Send my way. I want to hear what EVERYONE thinks on this because it's an important decision in my life. So if you read this, please chime in, no matter who you be.
Thanks for reading folks. And please, speak up.