Sep 10, 2003 08:35
You know what irks me? Parking on campus. Our campus has enough money to build a new student services building with marble floors, mirrored elevators, and glass walls, but not enough to build enough parking for all of our students. Yesterday I went through every residential lot looking for a spot before my 11am class. There were 7 total spots, all of which were in the last lot left for me to look in, all of which are not even on the same street as my campus, and all of which are at least 2 miles from where I live. . .
It sucks! Not to mention that those filled up in no time and then there were people STILL looking for spots and no spots to be found! It is NOT fair that people get tickets for parking illegally in non-residential zones when there is no residential zone left! This is getting ridiculous. Instead of our school spending 250,000 dollars on a building that we didn't even NEED, why didn't they build a parking garage and staff it with security peoples? Doesn't that make a whole lot more sense?
*sigh* I'm just a little upset since I have to park a mile from my dorm and then make 3 trips with groceries when I go shopping. . .