Of Interest to Worcester Folks

May 22, 2006 18:12

At first I was going to say it was of interest to Worcester folks who are also Lovecraft fans, but then I realized that almost everyone I happen know in Worcester who also reads this LJ is a Lovecraft fan.



(Horror * 2005 * 47 minutes)

The H.P. Lovecraft Preservation Society, the group of dauntless fans that created the brilliant, Cthulhu-themed musical, A Shoggoth On The Roof, have created the ultimate fan film, an incredible tribute to the writer whose work seeded modern horror favorites like Re-Animator and From Beyond. Shot like a 1920's era silent film, the 47-minute feature is technically amazing, shot (in black-and-white), lit and performed like an authentic film of the period would have been (although it would have horrified people of the time right into Arkham Sanitarium.) Considered Lovecraft's most famous story, the story of a man who inherits a collection of documents detailing the ghastly Cthulhu Cult, it is very faithfully adapted, not to mention super-efficient. A skillful build and an extremely satisfying payoff (think King Kong '33 style) add up to one of the smartest horror films of recent memory.

Join us for this night of Lovecraftian fun (we're also showing the documentary about the making of Shoggoth and some other horrific goodies) to celebrate the resurrection of G.A.S.P., the legendary horror/metal magazine by Worcester's revered maven of the ghastly, Mike Baronas. Cover is just $5.00, and there are prizes galore, courtesy of Dynamos Records in Grafton.

PLAYING AT: Ralph's Diner, 148 Grove Street, Worcester - Monday, July 17th at 7:30pm

wpi, worcester

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