Hey guys!
I wanna thank the people who voted on my poll in my last post.
Textures & bases got the most votes, so as I said; that will be in my nest post.
So here they're.
The textureset includes 20 textures; the baseset contains 40 pink bases.
Previews, downloads & rules under the cut.
http://www.4shared.com/file/121040871/e419e9b3/icontexturepack6.html ------------------------------------------------------------------
http://www.4shared.com/file/121040914/c3ebd08d/40pinkbasesbydarinkabranco.html ------------------------------------------------------------------
-Please leave a comment if you download.
-Credit my if you use anything.
-Don't claim anything as your own.
-You can edit the bases as much as you want; but you must credit me for the base!!