May 07, 2010 14:48
I want summer , I hate if I go outside and the air is 70'ish degrees. I like 80'ish much much more. I cant live in cool temps unless I'm dressed up much more. And thats why I dont like it. People keep confirming to me that I have thin blood because I am not comfortable.
Holy shit I'm freaking about the oil catastrophe in the gulf waters. I once witnessed a bad propane oil spill in mexico while I was there on vacation with my friend Chris. The water looked clear but the fumes of the chemicals made being on the beach a complete nightmare. I wanted to spend time in the wate,r but man there were millions of dead fish and crabs and everything you could imagine washing up on the beach. Ill always remember that vacation as a real bad time. Everything about it just seemed sick. Yeah they are lowering some device to contain the spill as I write, though there is going to be some serious effects of all the oil already in the waters. I hear that people are donating their hair and thats a cool idea, I hope word gets out that there are some things to do to help. I guess I just care about the sea life and not so much about the vacationers in Florida or the fishing companies, but care about the sea and its wonderous creatures.
Oh and now I must get ready , not to work but to prepare for the "Future", maybe Ill successfully make some trips soon , maybe I will visit San Diego , maybe I'll make it to Las Vegas. those are my american destinations now. Sun in Vegas or Surf in San Diego . I must keep my mind focused on these two places. I must ingrain in my mind to be in these areas throughout the summer months. Or Ill end up driving myself into the back roads of america on some truck driving missions seeking my incomes in long miles and low paying assignments. Its not worth it ,I gotta realize it, when will I realize it ?