Maybe you did. Maybe it seems like things have quieted down. Let me remind you that there is a real fear of the
stock market shedding another 40% in March. I still hold that between summer and fall of this year, we are going to see An Event. I could be wrong-it could come sooner.
FDIC shutters four banks in one day (Is the non-capitalization of words following the first in an article title an AP style thing? It's weird. Majuscule, all the way down the line, bitches!)
Get ready for a wave of bank failures (Still weird. Just look at it!)
Where the banks are failing (All right, this is starting to piss me off.)
Failure to save East Europe will lead to worldwide meltdown (Okay, I'm over it now.)
Eastern European currencies crumble as fears of debt crisis grow Cash crisis forces California to free 55,000 prisoners Mississippi Passes Legislation Protecting Gun Owners During Martial Law (Look at those gorgeous caps. Oh, also-the legislative process is usually reactive, not proactive. Just saying-it's in the zeitgeist.)
Trump casino group in bankruptcy (Let's all watch The Apprentice now because it will be ironic.)
Firewood Ratings and Information (Yeah, and you thought you'd done your homework.)
And this . . .
Growing stocks of unsold cars around the world:
"Nissan has announced plans to cut its Sunderland workforce by 1,200. Thousands of unsold cars are stored around the factory's test track."
Originally published at
Darin Bradley.