I'm fascinated by people's creative spaces. I know some people only work/create in public spaces like coffee shops or bars. Still others prefer to move nomadically around their homes, laptops a-sail as each project takes root in a different room. Me, I'm one of those who only successfully works in my study, so I try to spend some time designing the space. I've had three different studies in three different houses, but this one, in the house I rent in Asheville, is my favorite. The house was built in 1928, so the walls are all tastefully aged plaster, the wood floors are all original, and the heating-grates on the floors all look like Baroque prison vents.
Every now and then, photos of people's creative spaces start to appear in the blogosphere. Such has happened again, so I decided to share a few of my space.
There, now. Who's next?
Originally published at
Darin Bradley.