Nov 15, 2004 05:14
so i'm updating, well yesterday was a good day...i helped 2 people with their computers, which are hopefully still remaining fixed, at least for awhile, i wish i had more time cuz i could have done a better job, so they were grateful which was good, which made me happy, i forgot to call jeff back after i got back from teen group but it was kinda late anyway -sorry jeff feel better dude :( so when i got home, i was exausted from uhhh i'm not sure what but i just really felt like going to sleep at 9 o clock and now I got up around 4:00 stayed up for a little listening to some music, then went to do exercise, cuz i really want a six pack :D anyway here we are now, nothing much to do...its early and no one's awake as far as i know, i have to fix my own computer now though, cuz for some reason the songs are skipping sometimes so thats annoying, didn't used to do that, i ran some tweak thing that was supposedly supposed to make my computer run faster, but instead had the opposite effect...hahaha stupid me, anyway...back to that...bye bye