Aug 14, 2008 20:50
And school hadn't even started yet. *groan*
Yesterday we did grocery shopping - I don't think I'll be doing too many trips to 3 Bears anymore, since the prices have gotten to wher it's not worth it unless certain items on my way somewhere else, and i like Shoprite better. And you can get in and out of Shoprite better.
Also did the Walmart thing for diapers and school supplies. That was insane. But probably not as insane as it will be this weekend as everyone who put it off to the last minute attempt to get what they need before Monday. ha ha!
Today was my Voc Rehab meeting. The one lady i've been working with is, umm, in my opinion, not adequte at her job when it comes to me. She keeps insisting that IT and computer training, programming, etc. are jobs that aren't good for emplyment purposes, nor for potential work from home positions. I kind of wonder where she gets her informatino from. Fortunately, she's not the one in charge, and the one in charge I like very much and thinks those options are very good and wants to go for it. She also appreciates that I do some of my own research into employment and education opportunities, which i think the other doesn't. "tis interesting.
Also spoke with a Social Secutiry person and set up a phone ap[pointment so maybe if they approve me I can get a few hundred dollars a month in about three months or so. Yes, it takes that long for them to figure out I am disabled and decide to give me money I've paid into the system. If they deny me, it can take up to two years for them to change their mind after I appeal. i really hope I won't have to appeal.
Dropped off lots of paperwork this morning, found out about meetings I need to attend for Voc Rehab stuff, and made a WIC appointment for October. All in all, a productive motning.
Came home, made two peach cobblers - one for each potluck we had to go to tonight. Neither one lasted long at their funcrion. This recipe is *so* easy and quick, totally from scratch (except canned peaches are used), and it is *really* good. Got raves. : )
First ptluck was at Mookee's school (the homeschool charter) where we had a lovely time. I ran into my flute choir friend and we chatted up. Also took another copy of Mookee's paperwork to our teaching advisor, since the copy she had was illegible, and we ate and won a door prize. Then we hurried and tried to leave, but my mom insisted on running back in to ask about some horse leson thing (we were already late for the next thing) and I told her when she came back that next time just tell me to have them MAIL me the info, because we were *already late*. Because we were late, we decided to do the middle scchool for Asha first, instead of the potluck at Rhen's school, which worked out better anyway. Asha and I stayed and got her schedule and locker assignment, met the teacher, etc. while Mom an all came home to get my parkineg permit. We had to talk to the counselor, because Mom didn't sign Asha up for her exploratory classes at registration - they told her she could do it tonight, which we all know is code for "Look, another sucker that we can stick in the lame health class because they are clueless." The one class of the four available she *didn't* want was Health, so guess what they put her in for first quarter? We talked to the counselor and they will supposedly be able to change it but "The computer puts everyone in and evens out the classes, so we really might not be able to do much about it." Except, Asha is the second on the list to be changed, so i think she probably has a good chance. My mother was *Very* upset when i told her about this, and threatened to go in the office and throw a fit if they didn't change it, and I think i may take her up on that if it isn't changed.
After that we got to Rhen's school about seven, ate some more, signed her up for choir, and went to her teacher's classroom for the thrid grader meeting and met her teachers after. I think she is going to have a good year. They are doing some cool stuff with the prometheum boards, and her teachers are really cool. She was so in her element - found all her friends, ran around socializing, having fun. Too cool.
So, two long, tiring days, but good ones.
Health note of the day:
Legs *Very * tired tonight. Don't trust them to hold me up at all. Too many transfers and walker trips to and from the car out the door. Also, quite cold and numb - more cold and numb in the feet than they have been in a while, but not like frostbite as they felt when they were at their worst about a year ago. Legs cold too, more than usual, also quite stiff and not wanting to move, achy in the back.
Obviously, very tired.