Hospital bed

Jul 31, 2009 14:09

The hospital bed arrived yesterday.  Mom and I spent a couple hours in the morning cleating a path through the living room and movng my bed and all thinking the bed would need to be carried in and all and it turns out that they arrive in pieces and it's assembled right there.  This makes sense, since such home hospital beds need to go into many confined spaces, but it hadn't occurred to us and we were mightily impressed.  As it is, the entire living room is still shifter to the right and nothing on that side of the room is accessible, but the center looks beautifully clean.  : )

As far as the bed goes, it is nice, but will take a bit of getting used to for the mattress and all.  Also, mom decided the pillows and sheets and cases and blankets all needed to be washed, so they are all upstairs waiting for the washer.  This means that I froze last night and I did not have enough pillows to support me so my back is killing me today.  Ah well, the bed is very cool with buttons to raise and lower head and feet and all.  The kids think it's awesome too, though I haven't let them get on it and try it yet.  (I'm such a meanie!)

Weather has been miserable all week - wet, rainy, and gloomy.  Ick.  Even worse than the depression of it is the leg pain and tension that arrives with it.  I seriously think I need to leave in at least the fall and spring while the weather is in upheaval.  *sigh*

And I am seriously jonesing for some of the big Laffy Taffy bars.  The little ones don't taste right.  I need some cherry, grape, or strawberry of the big bars (used to be called Tangy Taffy).  *Not* watermelon.  I hate watermwlon flavored anything.  Ick.  Sweettarts would be good too, preferably the big soft ones.  Mmmmm.  Dang i wish I could drive and all again.  Depending on other people sucks.  Not just for a ride, but they always ask questions and try to look out for your health when you want something unhealthy and it's irritating after a while.  I don't go junking out alol the time, but somethimg you just have to go a little overboard and/or stock up for future cravings.

Would also like to stock up on *good* dark chocolate caramels and dark chocolate raspberry cremes.  Not really needing them at the moment, but nice to have on hand for an occasional treat.  Maybe I just need to go eat lunch.

Most of my to-do list is done, so I shall carry tasks over and start a enw one now.  I thought of something important that was to go on it, and now forgot what it was, so if it is really important I'll remember again eventually.

1)  Cal TSD on Wednesday
2)  Call CC
3)  Check on class sites
4)  Refresh N.T. on school stuff
5)  Start putting living room back
6)  Continue work at art table corner
7)  Start going through things in other room
8)  Clean out under desk
9)  Fill out remibursement for meds
10)  Supervise cleaning of fish tank
11)  Fill out M registtation paperwork
12)  Register kids for school
13)  Make appointment for A at orthodontist
14)  Kid physicals and shots
15)  Send N.T. ILP, just in case
16)  Fill out N.T. registration
17)  Call Beth about ride Wednesday
18)  Read through mounds of paperwork from schools

to-do, life, ms

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