Dec 05, 2008 01:07
Short, quick sentences. Not too much detail Maybe fill in later:
Going to fly out to OHSU tomorrow night. Asha coming with me. Yay!
Will stay until Thursday night. Unfortunately miss Rhen's choir concert. Boo!
Will be back for xmas party and Rhen's play. Yay!
Been madly trying to get all possible class and final assignments done and have done many. Yay!
Have not even started on last assignments for accounting. Boo!
Have not started programming final project. Boo!
Programming instructor willing to give me incomplete and can finish over the break. Yay!
Got MRI results back and explained.
Apparently, lesions in spine in July (which were many) are no longer visible. General opinion of doc and radiologist here is that they are gone. Yay!
But, radiologist says I have much disk bulging and swelling and spine is not straight and spinal column is growing closed and flattening spinal cord, which can lead to pralysis and total sensation loss if not treated surgically. Boo!
So I need to talk to my neurologist at OHSU and will probably need to get a neurosurgeon who can cut me open and clean out around my spinal cord without ill effects.
That's the quick and dirty stuff. More when i get back in a week.