Feb 26, 2005 11:07
Hi to all who came here to read my journal.
Among other things, a sports inflicted knee injury has conditioned my attempts of branching with my wrestling.
As I put off my wrestling I failed to realize I was losing my conditioning.
However, that became far too evident in the summer 2004. I played a few exhibition soccer games in Fall river, Ma in the summer time.
Eventhough, I played at the team level, I was very disapointed I no longer had the game impact as I did previously.
With that said, I still had to finish a few things before stepping back into the ring.
So, after 2 trips to Toronto, Canada in August and November thru December I was ready for my comeback to the ropes.
I have chosen Rhode Island's PWF Wrestling School as my new training location.
Previously, I had trained with Southcoast and Suicide Championship School.
I'd like to thank all the support I found at PWF wrestling School as I came back.
Trainers Matt Storm, Evan Siks and Blade are very experienced and professional individuals, so thanks to them.
As I try to boost my wrestling ability and conditioning to what they once were, the effects of my injury seem to be surpassed.
This has been a long time off from something I love to do.
Between Canadian work trips, a knee injury, and school it had been about a year since I last ran on the ropes.
Throughout that time a group of people have supported me and encouraged me to continue.
I'd like to sincerely thank my sister, my brother, Ray, John Pina, Jay and Veronika for all their support.
This entry is also my first so I see this time of my life as a starting point in several directions.
I'd like to also say "Thanks for everything" to newly retired EOS member DRE.
Dre was my trainer at SCW and I highly respect him as a wrestler.
It's always sad to say goodbye to such talented individuals like him. I wish him the very best.
It's still a bit early to talk about this but as you will realize after.
I am attempting my return with a renewed attitude and style.
The Dark and Gothic attitude sort of changed. Not necessarily a change of heart.
But after my injury, I see things just a bit different.
My manager at Suicide Championship Wrestling Nikki Valentine is no longer associated with me. For the time being, I won't have a manager.
I wish Nikki the very best in whatever she has decided to pursue.
I believe this is about it for now.
I will keep you all posted on how my return is progressing.
Thank you all for reading my journal.
Take care