Dec 01, 2006 15:52
but is it major? or minor? 0_o
It took awhile, but I finally was able to find enough time to finish the letter quiz Laura had given me. She chose the letter 'F' and I have to say it was hard finding 10 words that were important to me. But I think I was clever enough in my answers. If you want a letter, respond to this and I'll give ya one to keep this going. Now, without further ado:
The Key of 'F':
Faerie Folk - I should get double points for a 'double F' phrase! But alas, this is not Scrabble. I chose this particular spelling because of its roots to the old world, including much of the Celts and Northern European mythos. Granted, although this should shield me from stupid jokes and 'girly-man' teasing, it probably won't. So let me elaborate. Although most of today's society consider the "faerie" or "fairy" to be just the little Tinkerbell on Disney poking stuff with pixie dust, this wasn't always the case. Go back far enough in history and you'll find that faeries, especially when known as the 'faerie folk' were a complete hierarchy of magical beings. These beings included gnomes, "fairies", elves (elfs), leprechauns, and many other creatures sometimes known as the "wee ones". If you take some accounts one way, it even refers to 'angels' ^~ Being that much of it comes from the Celts and other Northern beliefs, I feel deeply tied and interested in it. I love all things Celtic, and many would say I'm a perfect example of an elf if they ever did indeed exist.
Fall - my favorite season. When the wind becomes brisk, and the leaves whisper their end - I look up and smile, immersing myself in Nature's artistic display. Leaves of many colors, all fighting to be their best before their seasonal end. One can find many philosophical comparisons to our own lives in the tellings of the Fall, and it is that quiet language that enlightens me. In other ways, I enjoy autumn because of the return to sweaters, cool temperatures, my birthday, and of course Halloween with its old world tales and mythos (also the one day I can pretend to be something from fantasy and feel normal ^~).
Famicom - The Japanese term for the Nintendo and its legacy. My life as a gamer begins here. My parents were able to hide/shelter me from the videogame explosion until around the time I was 9. Before my 9th birthday, I went over a fellow cubscout's house and he happened to own one. He showed me the original Super Mario Bros, told me the controls, and on my first life I had beaten multiple stages. Clearly, I had a 'gift', so I asked (read as: I WANT) my parents to get it for me as a birthday gift. In time, I eventually found The Legend of Zelda and the rest is history. One would guess that I would count Final Fantasy in this, but it wasn't until FF6 that I gave those types of fantasy rpgs another chance. I own all of the Nintendo systems ever made minus the horrid Virtual Boy. To the current day, Nintendo is still my favorite all time hardware developer - though my Sony product is played more often.
Fantasy - my favorite genre. I was considering putting "Final Fantasy" as another double-f phrase, but it is merely an aspect of my love for fantasy, not a subject itself. Ever since I was little, I loved to pretend and escape. There were many reasons for this - but not to be covered here. I loved the idea of having a power, something that made me special. As I began to read, I found love for the idea of 'inherent abilities', magics, and the like. My uncle Thomas showed me the way as far as Fantasy books and such were concerned - so I can owe it to him for fueling my love for wizards and elven magic. In terms of personality, my family denotes me as the perfect wizard/druid, which is generally the consensus, save for those who also say I make a great priest >.> (that this parallels to the real life point that many figured I'd make a great priest only makes it stranger). I could probably write a thesis on how fantasy has effected my game preferences (Zelda, the Final Fantasies, other rpg adventures), my interests (Celtic lore, medieval history/architecture),my talents (I will eventually write and illustrate some type of fantasy story), and my music preferences (classical, medieval, gregorian chant, celtic, goth/opera metal) but there is lil space for it. Besides, those who know me know most of this already.
Feral - "...because if I had a fetish.." I'm cheating by using the term 'feral' to apply my liking for catgirls - but it works, in a vague sort of way. However, it also refers to my enjoyment of playing the Druid class in many rpg games as well as my love for Nature in general. In a more personal way, it refers to my inner nature. My normal self is always calm, kind, calculated, and balanced. But ever since I was young I've felt a feral aspect at certain times. This doesn't just refer to my desires for power when little, (aka a 'were' desire to get just a bit more speed in soccer, a bit more strength in martial arts) - it also refers to what I ended up calling part of the 'dark aspect'. It's the rage that accumulates for always being the nice one, the understanding one, the one who gives in. The boiling anger at being screwed over and teased about things I don't deserve being teased about. Finally, it also refers to the connection I have with wolves and the similarities we share. If I were a Native American, (I actually do have one as an ancestor) it would be my 'totem animal'. I love the wolves and their genetic brethren. They 'rock'. Moving on...
Fire - I can admit I am a pyro. I love flame. The way it dances and has an inherent chaos about it though it seems controlled at the same time. I also love its duality as a source of light/warmth and as a cleansing/destructor. Ah the metaphors it has been used for throughout the years. If there's a fire in the fireplace or at a camp, I can stare at it and get lost, gazing at the stories in the dancing flames. There are
times I've been so enthralled I completely lose out on what's going on around me. Being able to wield it as a fantasy character is a natural plus as well, but I'm not as obsessed with it in the gaming aspect as you might think.
Fox - Aside from it being the closest thing to 'wolf' with an 'F' name, it also suits me for two other reasons. One, FireFox's browser pwns all. Web designers world 'round love it. Other than that, it's a synonym for multiple aspects of me. I am in no way a 'fox' as in "cute, sexy" or whatnot... but I am apparently a fox mentally. I've been told and reminded on more than one occassion that I am extremely sly, conniving and crafty. Underneath my kindness sometimes lies ulterior motives and a calculating brain that constantly watches for changes to consider in any situation. It's a natural skill I apparently possess. I think on my feet, but always seem to have a plan, a way to fix and accomplish something even if in truth I came up with at the last minute. It's amusing... and seems to suit me rather well.
French Fries - This was the last thing I thought of - though it appears here because of the alphabetical structure. Another double 'F' bonus for me! Finding 'F' words to suit me was rather hard, but I think I was clever enough at it ^^. Originally, I was going to try finding a character I liked or felt resembled me - but I didn't feel like rummaging through years of anime, games, and fantasy novels to find one. And though I could of put FFXII's Fran in simply because she gives catgirl fanboys a reason to convert to bunnygirls, it just wasn't enough to denote as a subject. Anyway, french fries rock and will be the reason I have clogged arteries but still look like a bean pole. McDonald's original flavor and Wendy's style are my favorite.
Friar - Though I could just leave the reasoning for this as the fact that I've been told I'd make a great priest or monk on many occasions, I have a better reason for listing it here. My deceased uncle Thomas, the man I consider my role model and partially responsible for shaping me into the person I am today, was one. On an amusing note, he filled the stereotype well - he loved endlessly reading texts, drinking his ale, and having a rather round stomach. ::chuckles:: He was also always trying to be merry and thoughtful of others. He was also one of my main influences on my current religious thoughts concerning everything. He was bright, open-minded, witty, a lover of Celtic food and stuffs, and totally into sarcasm. He's also the one who brought me to love fantasy (though mom helped a bit). To honor him, my confirmation name is 'Andrew' since that was his birthname.
Frost - So many things attract me to the word frost. It's the last name of a poet I enjoyed in grammar school. It belongs with the winter, my second favorite season. It mirrors my personality in that it is cool, balanced, and always apparently in control. It is what some say my eyes look like when I get extremely upset. I get a icy/frosty gaze exuding my feelings of coldness (which only gets amplified with light blue eyes). As a fantasy character, it was once and still tends to be one of my favorite schools of magic (Once again, for the personality match and the power of control it brings). Sure, fire magic is nice, but even then I prefered the cold blues of ice fire... @@ Hell, Shiva is Ice-based in the Final Fantasy series.... and we all know how much I like Shiva ^^ It's related to the color blue (my favorite color) Anyway, it's interesting to note the irony of me loving both Fire and Frost - being opposites. But then again, it's not. They balance each other out. And balance is at the core of my being. ^^
And there you have it ^~ Now back to work....