::yawns as the clock in the lab shows he has an hour before class:: Well, I finished my homework an hour ahead of schedule, so I figured I'd do that spring-break update. Here goes:
As I figured, the first half of my exceedingly boring spring break was spent recovering from my sinus infection (which I currently think is relapsing but that's another story) Aside from that I did some raiding with my WoW guild (I normally can't do some of the stuff because of work and night class) and started watching Bleach. For those who don't know, Bleach is a relatively new anime that I surprisingly found to be very interesting (So interesting that I went back online and downloaded every current fansub on file and blitzed them all by Sunday morning - 72 eps @@) If I can find someone to actually sew the getup (no way in hell I'd have time to even try), I'd be up for cosplaying as one of the characters at Otakon this year.
Wish I could find a better picture, but that'll have to do for the moment. Moving on...
St. Patrick's Day was uneventful - and frankly disappointing. It just didn't feel like the holiday - ah well. I made up for it by seeing V for Vendetta that evening - the first decent film I've seen in theatres for quite awhile. The weekend itself was very quiet - my sister Jen had a dance competition and my mother and Lisa had to drive to Jersey twice to see her (once on Sat, then again on Sun) Because of this, I finished up Bleach and then focused what little will I had into re-organizing and finishing everything I had originally set out to do during break. This involved giving my room a serious cleaning, studying for midterms, and reorganizing both computers for work... what work you ask? Why art, duh.. >.> So what if I haven't done anything of any real skill in probably a year or so? ::chuckles:: I can draw, maybe. It's about damn time I get back to it. I even rehooked up my graphics tablet in preparation.... even though it will be quite some time before I can get to practicing again. No excuses this time around... I have to get a grip and just do it already ^^ And a month of hermitting myself in Cali might actually help me do just that... but we'll see. I think I covered everything - I could rant about tutoring, but I'll do that in another post, most likely when I AM tutoring ::Whistles innocently::