Jan 30, 2006 02:20
Well, the second week (or rather the first full week) of classes has ended, with the third poised to begin in about 6 hours -_-, so it is time I start deciding on what to do. I had promised myself I would decide what to do with my games and such after seeing how classes would go and although I'm not 100% sure yet, I believe writing it out may help a bit. Console games aren't worth the argument - it all boils down to the MMO's I play on the computer anyway.
Part 1: (The FFXI Question)
As a test scenario (and partially because I really needed the rest) I held off playing FFXI for 2 weeks. I decided to log in Saturday night and today in order to see what I had missed if anything. And after deleveling, waiting hours to do anything constructive, helping others (as usual) and seeing no gain for myself, I truly wondered why I still pay good money I don't have for access. Better yet was my discovery that the people I had made a special agreement with to run storyline missions broke it last week and went ahead without me. That's what I get for being honorable and not going ahead of them. Finally, as to put a proverbial cherry on top of my mood - I find that things I had wanted for my character since November and tried hard to get have been somewhat easily received for one of my friends this very week. Granted, I shouldn't be jealous nor should I really care - it's a game after all. But that's the inherent problem. To some degree - I do. Why should those that truly deserve things and always offer to help not get something, but then someone else get extremely lucky with minimal effort? Connections, timing - that's the key to the world of FFXI. I tried very hard to have fun today, perhaps even get these said items, but I accomplished neither. Aside from this, all my character can really do is participate in things I don't care for at the moment or level new jobs. So, the true question is = "In all seriousness - is the time worth it?" "Maybe" "Are you having fun?" "No" "Then why play?" "Because I still have close friends that play" Ahh deductive reasoning. I could whole-heartedly say I would of stayed away from FF if most of my friends weren't still playing it. At this point, I know I don't have the time to waste like I once did, and turning my focus elsewhere will further decrease it. The logic answer is quitting seems like the best option. I'd almost be better off cutting off FF in light of a newer MMO that hits the market. ::pictures a scale of balance in his sleepy mind:: Yes, I think I'll turn my attention to the more time-convienent WoW and perhaps try the Dungeons and Dragons Online game when it comes out (due to the fact that it supposedly has a true D and D feel). Using FF as a glorified chatroom or keeping it for fear of disappointing friends for leaving is no point in keeping it. Hen deserves fun... and peace of mind.