Jun 29, 2011 10:11
There is no such things as Unicorns
By Darian
Summary: Unicorns don‘t exist, or do they? No spoilers, probably it could take place around earlier seasons.
There's no such things as unicorns.
Dean was pretty sure of that. They were pure myth. Fairy tales for kids about riding on silver moon beams shooting rainbows out oftheir ass and all that other crap. They belonged in the same category as Bigfoot, the Easter bunny and Diet Coke that didn‘t taste like two year-old used motor oil.
So this was obviously either a hallucination caused by the funny smelling hamburger in that burger joint they spend last night, or someone had forgotten to mention it to the one he was now staring at.
But there was no mistaking that it was a unicorn. It had an unearthly white coat and a long bluish mane that was flying around its head even though there was no wind blowing. Also ,the almost two foot long, really sharp-looking horn sticking from the middle of its forehead was a big give-away.
And the creature was glaring right at him with its unnaturaly blue eyes from below the tree branch Dean was currently sitting on with Sam. Trying to avoid the aforementioned two feet long horn which had almost turned the two of them into shish-kebabs. Dean had already tried to scare it off by shooting into the air, but it hadn‘t worked. He had actually wanted to shoot it for real in the first place and make it at least extinct when it didn't have the courtesy to stay in fairy tales, but Sammy had put on his bitch face No.52 which meant something like “I won‘t talk to you for the rest of my life if you kill this innocent helpless animal.“
So now they had been sitting in this stupid tree for almost six hours and waiting for it to leave on its own.
It didn‘t look like it was planning to any time soon and his ass was already falling asleep.
Myth or not, Dean really hated fucking unicorns.
Please read and review 8o)))