(no subject)

Mar 13, 2005 21:10

last declaration: dont come crying to me when you find yourself alone in a room with Jesse McCartney!
Tasty Goat: haha
last declaration: you should make a printout of his face, brin git to florida, and play darts
last declaration: hahahahaha
Tasty Goat: hjajahahahhahahahah
last declaration: he walks into the room, an evil grin spreads on your face
last declaration: "We're alone in a room, you know" says you.
"We sure are ;-)" says he, but he doenst realize your intentions.
last declaration: SUddenly, you whip out an m16
Tasty Goat: Warped tour tickets go onslae
Tasty Goat: today
Tasty Goat: lo
last declaration: "DIE PRETTY BOY!" says you
last declaration: and no the 15th
last declaration: stop intteruptingmy role play
Tasty Goat: oh
Tasty Goat: lol
last declaration: so you start firing like crazy at Jesse McCartney, making sure he's dead.
Tasty Goat: ....sigh
last declaration: Unsure what to do with teh body, you stow it in the movie producers trunk
last declaration: then run for disney land!
last declaration: but then you get a call "jesse mccartney has gone missing, i guess you have to be the star of our movie now"
last declaration: you hang up your cell phone then, look around you, only to be surrounded by fifty scremaing fan girls
Tasty Goat: This website is awesome for music
Tasty Goat: radioblogclub.com
last declaration: scream they.
last declaration: "SHIT!" says you
last declaration: "SIGN MY FACE!" screams a fangirl
Tasty Goat: lol
last declaration: so you whip out that m16 again and take down teh crowd and run back to teh movie place
Tasty Goat: i need a cool alter name
Tasty Goat: i hate my name
Tasty Goat: Trinten
last declaration: eh?
Tasty Goat: i need a cool japense influenced name
last declaration: so anyway, your back at the movie stuido, when suddenly JESSE MCCARTNEY RISES FROM THE DEAD!
last declaration: you start freaking out beccause he's alive
last declaration: and jesse mccartneys running after you, all dead-like "eugeeenneeee i only wanted to make out!"
last declaration: then you scream like a little french girl
last declaration: but wait -- whos that you're approaching?!
last declaration: its fellow ex-bandmate of jesse mccartney, matt...soemthingerother!
Tasty Goat: lol
last declaration: and OMGAWD YOUR TRAPPED!
last declaration: "back off mccartney, eugene's mine!" says matt
Tasty Goat: hahahah...
last declaration: "no way! you already got that hot kid who had the walk-on part!" argues jesse
last declaration: you stand there, confused, watching the gay kids fight
last declaration: then all of sudden they start makign out
last declaration: "good" you think hoping they're distracted
last declaration: so then you decide to call your good friend jesse in conencticut
last declaration: "im trapped in florida surrounded by gay movie actors! heelpp!" youp lead
last declaration: "told you so."
last declaration: END!
last declaration: :D
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