Am I God, crazy, or just connected?

Aug 24, 2004 03:00

This is my convo. with Sarah... btw. I love you sweety... thank you SOOOO much for calming me down...

Daria84003: I'm going crazy
doranobaka: You are?
Daria84003: I think I'm there as a matter of fact
doranobaka: How come?
Daria84003: I just heard Ryun praying to God...
Daria84003: I heard word for word what he was saying... in my head... and when I called him... he told me what he said
Daria84003: I'm scared
doranobaka: *hugs* Don't be scared.
Daria84003: but what does it mean?
doranobaka: There are several explanations for this, none of which involve you being insane.
Daria84003: and what are they?
doranobaka: The most obvious (and silly and blasphemous) would be that you are god.
Daria84003: No... thank God that I'm not God
doranobaka: *nods* I figured. I just wanted to toss that in in hopes of making you laugh.
Daria84003: it did
doranobaka: Now, the others are a lot less far-fetched, IMO. :-) One is simply that you and Ryun have a mental bond that works kinda like telepathy.
doranobaka: If he was thinking about you while he was praying, you might have picked up on that and sort of "tuned in" to his thoughts.
Daria84003: Would it be more intense if we were both very upset
doranobaka: Quite likely. When you're upset, you don't tune out stuff that you normally do when you're calm.
Daria84003: We were both crying... I was crying so hard I couldn't breath... then I heard him saying my name and talking to God
doranobaka: *nods* That makes sense. Or at least, it makes as much sense as stuff like this ever does.
Daria84003: yeah... I guess
Daria84003: There is something else too... I told Ryun that I needed some Alone time for a few days
Daria84003: and we both got really upset, and I blacked out for a while...
Daria84003: he says I was outside, only in my underwear and a sleep shirt... standing next to the street
Daria84003: and an semi passed by and snapped me out of it
Daria84003: he thought I was going to go into the street....
Daria84003: but I don't think that even in a crazed state that I would do that
doranobaka: ... That's not so good. o.o
Daria84003: I know
doranobaka: What's been going on? I mean, what happened before you blacked out and before Ryun was praying?
Daria84003: We were fighting
doranobaka: What brought it on? (Feel free to tell me it's none of my business.)
doranobaka: Were you fighting both times?
Daria84003: I remember thinking the same thing before each...
Daria84003: "Dear God, what have I done?"
doranobaka: Hmm.
Daria84003: I know that I need some "me" time
Daria84003: because I have lost me... everyone now defines me through Ryun
Daria84003: and they do the same with him... they define him through me...
Daria84003: we are two different people
Daria84003: but when someone sees me they always ask things like: "Where's Ryun?" or "How are you and Ryun?"
doranobaka: Smack me if I ever do that.
Daria84003: haha
Daria84003: I've even found myself doing it
doranobaka: Hmm. Yeah, that's probably not a good thing.
Daria84003: yeah
doranobaka: Any other weird happenings?
Daria84003: he seemed to be in a lot of physical pain
doranobaka: :/
doranobaka: I wish I could offer you more help.
Daria84003: it's ok... you've been a big help
Daria84003: Sorry... I had to take a potty break
doranobaka: S'okay. :D
Daria84003: you don't mind if I put our convo in my journal do ya?
doranobaka: Not at all.
Daria84003: otay
doranobaka: Unless I say, "This information does not leave this IM," anything I say is up for grabs. ^^
Daria84003: haha... I'm gonna hold you to that
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