Dear Yuletide Author,

Oct 19, 2014 13:33

Dear Author,

First, thanks for writing for me! I hope you have fun with this :)

Again, my ao3 name is storiesfortravellers.

I'm not picky, and I'm open-minded about fic, and so if you enjoy writing it, I'm sure I'll enjoy reading it. That said, since "I love everything" is not considered helpful, here are my dislikes and likes, and some ideas I am throwing out just in case they give you ideas of something you want to write. I like giving prompts, and so I just gave lots in the hopes that some might strike your fancy - feel free to use any or none, and obviously I'm not expecting all.

Stuff I like in fic (again, not requesting any one of these specifically, just talking about things that I often enjoy):

-fic about complex relationships (not sexual relationships necessarily -- though that's great too -- but also psychological explorations of relationships between friends, family, enemies, etc.)
-character studies
-mild angst or angst with comfort
-AUs -- pretty much any AU except war AUs based on US history. I like most others - Seedy ancient Roman AU, adorable bookstore AU, futuristic AU, AU where canon happens differently - it's all fun.
-Characters who know each other really well, including how the other characters think.
-Characters who are antagonists but who reach a mutual respect or care for each other. Similarly, characters who are in a close relationship but are willing to fight for what they believe in, even with the other person.
-Characters who are very principled or caring but also sometimes have to struggle with things - either morally gray plots, or the difficulties in building relationships, or getting over their repressed stuff, or living with compromises, or what have you.
-Characters who long for each other, especially if they get together in the end.
-Characters who trust each other even though they're not good at trusting.

And if you want to write pairings:
-any rating is fine. Rated G is fine and NC17 is fine too.
-kink/bdsm or psychological explorations of kink/bdsm are great if you like writing that (but totally optional!). I'll be fine with anything except stuff with animals or kids or scat, but if you want specifics, I prefer most bdsm stuff (bondage, spanking, submission/obedience, roleplay, sensation play, etc.) but I don't prefer fisting or rimming or large objects (not squicked, just don't prefer).
-prefer noncanon pairings. Threesomes are fine too.
-obviously any sexual content at all is completely optional - again only if you like writing it
-For pairings, I prefer either smutfic or fics that explore the relationship and what they provide for each other or how the relationship changes over time or just anything about the psychology of the relationship rather than schmoopy romance or domestic cuteness.

Stuff I don't usually prefer to receive for these fandoms:
-Character death
-Stories that focus a great deal on grief
-Serious illness or injury or imprisonment

Here is a little more about the specific requests.

Fandom: Terminator: SCC

I love Catherine Weaver and would be happy to see anything with her. I love that she's brilliantly intelligent. I love that she decides to take on Skynet. I love that she is curious about the world, that she loves myths and stories, that she seems to see humans as having valuable potential even though she still has a machine's view of them. I view Weaver as having a deep interest in what machines are capable of becoming, and she seems to me to think that humans can play a vital role in that.

Possible prompts (again, all prompts suggested are not what I expect or anything - they're just here in case any of these ideas are helpful to you):
-Catherine Weaver's backstory - when did she realize that she wasn't like other machines? When did she realize that she wasn't taking orders from anyone?
-Catherine working with Sarah Connor - some alliance or project that they have to work together on.
-Catherine and John Henry's relationship after the show. What was the plan for John Henry? Does Catherine remain his mentor throughout his life?
-Catherine Weaver doing something really badass
-Catherine Weaver telling the story of the history of machines/the history of intelligent life/the history of desire, or some other story that she thinks is important

Fandom: Graceland

I ship Johnny/Carlito, and I would love something about their relationship. This could be really dark, or it could be about the rare vulnerable moments that Carlito has.

Possible prompts (Warning: some prompts may be triggery):
-Johnny has to sleep with Carlito during the time when he is still ingratiating himself to Carlito. Johnny doesn't want to but he does for the job. But then he really, really enjoys it, which makes Johnny confront or explore some aspect of his sexuality that he wasn't fully aware of, but also Johnny feels guilty since he doesn't want to be attracted to a killer.
-Carlito keeps Johnny locked in a room and visits him often for sex and conversation.
-Some psychological exploration of BDSM (likely unhealthy given the pairing). Maybe Carlito likes to be submissive and be punished. Maybe Johnny is uncomfortable with this but he has to make Carlito happy? Or maybe Johnny likes it but feels guilty about liking it? Maybe Carlito likes it but feels that liking it is 'unmanly' and is a jerk about it? Maybe Carlito likes it but is easily triggered during a scene? Maybe Johnny likes submitting but doesn't trust that Carlito won't take it too far.
-AU where Johnny is undercover as Carlito's right hand man for a long time. Carlito grows very protective of Johnny - he knows Johnny doesn't like to kill and he makes sure Johnny doesn't have to. This could be a gen prompt too.
-Carlito is jealous and resentful of what a good person Johnny is but also turned on by it (inspired by Carlito's line about Johnny being pretty on the inside).
-After Carlito is beaten up by his father, Johnny goes to comfort him. This could also be gen.
-AU where Johnny does fall in love with Carlito but Johnny hates himself for it.

Fandom: Deception

I requested Edward and Julian but would also be totally happy with Joanna and Vivian instead. What I like about the show is best encapsulated by a post I made to promote it for smallfandomfest:

Some fic ideas I would love (spoilers ahead):
-What would happen in Season 2 if the show had gotten one? How would you answer the questions Season 1 didn't quite answer? Would Vivian get justice? However you want to imagine it is cool.
-Edward fic - I like that Edward is smart, tough, has a weird sense of humor, but is fragile in a lot of ways too. Maybe about a formative time in his life unrelated to being accused of killing someone (prefer if it's not about meeting his wife - I like her, but I don't really prefer romance about canon pairings). Or maybe Edward finds out the truth about who killed Vivian and comes up with a brilliant plan to get back at his father (without killing him.)
-Edward/Ben - if they had more time to work together and they started having comfort sex or scared-for-our-lives sex
-Julian/OMC pre-series fic about Julian exploring his sexuality (a cliché I know, but a fun one)
-Edward & Julian (don't prefer incest, just a fic about their relationship as brothers). Maybe pre-series fic about important moments in their relationship, or about how their relationship changes after the events of the show
-Joanna & Vivian friendship fic about when they were teenagers -- they seem protective of each other but also like Vivian wants to get Joanna to live life to the fullest and Joanna mostly appreciates this despite objections, but that parts of Vivian really do frighten Joanna (as in she's frightened FOR her friend, not of her)
--same as above, but an AU where they go to college together - friendship or femslash both good
-Joanna/Vivian femslash or friendship fic in an AU where they made up as adults and were in each other's lives again. How do they react to each others' lives and ups and downs? What is their relationship like as adults? Joanna has grown up and is now a badass and a risktaker - how does Vivian respond? Is it hard for them to reconnect as adults? Are they still protective of each other? It can be an AU where Vivian lives or one where it's the same except that they had a chance to reconnect as adults? If femslash, how does the story on the show change if Joanna and Vivian were occasionally lovers? If they were friends with benefits? If they were in a committed relationship but Vivian's family didn't know? Etc.
-Joanna and Edward team up and kick some ass, gaining mutual respect along the way.

Fandom: Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk

I would really like something about Billy and Dime's relationship. I personally ship those two, and I would love something that explores either an actual sexual relationship happening or else something with unresolved sexual tension. But I would be just as thrilled to get something about their friendship. It could be set before, during or after the book, it could be from Dime's pov or Billy's. Basically I would be happy for anything about Billy and Dime.

Some possible ideas (again, totally optional):

-Little moments in their relationship/friendship
-their second kiss
-fic where they're both done serving in the military and one visits the other for a while
-Dime's pov of Billy during, before, or after the events of the book
-they have some conflict or disagreement that they have to resolve
-conflicted feelings about their relationship
-them trusting each other more than they trust most people
-Dime giving Billy advice about his personal life
-Billy comforts Dime after Dime has to make a tough decision
-Billy tries to help Dime feel less burdened by his responsibilities
-something strange is going on with Billy and Dime's the only one who notices (preferably not cracky)

Fandom: The Unit
(Sorry this part is long - I copied part of it from a previous year, and I guess I wrote longer letters back then - it doesn't mean this fandom is preferred over the others or anything).

I requested Mack and Charles but would be really happy with anything about the relationship between two or more of the following: Charles, Mack, Hector, and Jonas. This could be either friendship or a slash relationship - a love relationship or friends with benefits are both fine.

Some slash pairings I would enjoy if you like writing slash, and then some gen ideas that I would also love to read: Jonas/Mack, Jonas/Charles, Mack/Hector, Mack/Charles, Mack/Gael (the character from the episode Inside Out), Charles/Mack/Hector, Charles/Hector, Jonas/Hector. I would love one of these pairings, with comfort or UST or angry!sex or kinkfic or whatever else.

I would also be happy with a gen portrayal of close friendship, even if the friendship has antagonism at times.

What I like about the characters and relationships: Jonas is brilliant and smart and knows when to cut through the bs. He isn't sentimental but he knows at times how to give people what they need to hear, which can be good or bad. He accepts the fucked up parts of himself as things that make him better at what he does, and he has that view of others and human nature in general - he accepts things as they are but does his best to make it better if he thinks there's a good reason to. But although he is accepting in a sense, he also holds people to high standards, and he is not someone to be crossed.

Mack is of course very flawed, but in some ways he is the most emotionally brittle of them. Charles is so sweet at times of course, and I love his artsy side, but like Mack, he's not good at letting go. All of them are incredibly smart and also flawed. I love that Hector always knows more about the other characters than he lets on, and that he has a good sense of his friends' flaws and accepts them.

Jonas/anyone I see as very unequal relationships in that Jonas is the guy who calms them but also challenges them to be better, so mild (or not mild) elements of control, obedience, etc. might be interesting to explore in their friendship or a sexual relationship. It can be one-time-only, occasionally to let off steam on the job out of necessity, or angry!sex when someone has done something the other thinks is wrong, or for comfort after a bad job, or a committed relationship - whatever you prefer.

In terms of Jonas/Mack, what I like the most about their relationship is that they are both smart, and generally closed off to people in terms of showing their emotions, but they are so much less guarded around each other. I love that they know each other really well, and they know how to tiptoe around each other's feelings, so to speak -- they can just exchange a look and convey a lot. Mack especially lets his guard down around Jonas, both in terms of knowing he can't hide what he's thinking from Jonas but also in terms of implicitly assuming that Jonas can and should take control, show him what kind of person to be, etc. (Mack does not act like this with anyone else, regardless of their rank - Mack has respect for Jonas in a way that he doesn't for anyone else).

Gael is the character who has the implant in Inside Out. I love that Mack did something so un-Mack-like for him in that ep. I also love that Gael was so persistent, that he trusted them but was also smarter than a character in that situation might be. I love what the ep did in terms of Mack liking Gael's resilience at a time when Mack wasn't sure if he himself would be resilient with his personal life. For this pairing, I would love exploration of maybe some time they spent alone -- what if they had much longer to wait, just the two of them, before they had to go? Or, they could meet again in the future and spend some time together -- what would happen? Sexytimes or just UST is fine, antagonistic or trusting (I could also go for a gen story about these two with either of these premises if you don't prefer to write a pairing).

I like that Mack cares a lot about comforting Charles, but I prefer the fic not focus on character death. Similarly, I wish we got to see more of Mack/Hector's relationship on the show, but I would prefer the focus something other than grief.

Other gen prompts (since the above was kind of shipping-oriented)
-Friendship fic about Mack and Jonas or Mack and Charles or Mack and Hector or Hector and Charles or really any two of those four.
-If you wanted to do mission fic, it would be cool to see a mission where they all decided to go against orders but not because of a person they loved in danger and not to save children (these were done on the show) -- what, if anything, could make that happen?
- Or, I would love to see gen fic about how the Unit members interact with the other members' families - Jonas' relationship with Tiffy or Kim, Mack's relationship with Kim or Molly, or Charles' or Hector's thoughts on Kim and Tiffy and Molly and those three marriages/families -- What do they all they think of each other?

Some favorite moments in the show (SPOILERS):

-Jonas putting the artifact back to save Mack's life.
-Mack telling Jonas he didn't want his own command, he wanted to stay with Jonas (on a day when Jonas REALLY needed good news).
-Jonas trusting Mack to save his daughter, and then Jonas knowing what to say to Mack in his fight with Colonel Ryan.
-Jonas and Molly have an elaborate code system just for each other just in case. Because they are so smart and prepared and badass that way.
-Gael thinking he can stop Mack by throwing something small at his chest and Mack looking like he felt like crap having to take down someone so NOT of their world.
-Mack helping Gael get up the courage to carry out the plan.
-Mack saving Gael.
-Mack telling his daughter (who just manipulated him into doing something silly and probably embarrassing for him for a school project) that he was proud of her for making a plan and carrying out the plan to achieve her objective regardless of who didn't like it. It's a sweet moment but also revealing and with an ambiguous edge.
-The looks exchanged between Charles and Jonas when Jonas realizes Charles ruined the mission to save Jonas in the ep where they were sent to get a dictator out of a storm-endangered hospital. They understand each other, but that doesn't mean that it's okay. What's the fallout of this?

dear yuletide writer, dear

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