Fic: NCIS, Avengers/Arrow/XMFC - Clint/various and Clint/Coulson

Mar 12, 2014 22:29

Fandom: Avengers/Arrow/XMFC
Title: Five Times Clint Used Sex to Recruit a Villain
Word count: 1625
Summary: Five snippets about Clint's unconventional recruitment. Clint/Coulson, with mentions of Clint/Winter Solider/OMC/OFC, Clint/Slade Wilson, Clint/Wade Wilson, Clint/Magneto.
Notes: Brief Captain America: Winter Soldier spoilers. Written for fan-flashworks.

Fandom: NCIS
Title: Spring Day.
Word count: 198
Summary: Gen one-shot about Tony and Abby savoring a warm spring day in DC during the blooming of the cherry blossoms.

fic, slash, fanfiction, arrow, humor, avengers, fanfic, crack, xmfc

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