Ficlets: Arrow, Almost Human, Avengers, NCIS:LA, Saturday Night Live (Seth/Stefon)

Feb 25, 2014 23:03

Fandom: Arrow
Characters/Pairing: Oliver/Diggle
Summary: For this prompt: Oliver/Diggle, punching Oliver shouldn't have led to this
Fic: Perks

Fandom: Almost Human
Characters/Pairing: Kennex/Dorian
Summary: For this prompt: John/Dorian, DRN's have erogenous zones in strange places
Fic: Right There

Fandom: Avengers
Characters/Pairing: Team + Jane
Summary: Jane and Bruce become science buds. The rest of the Avengers living in the Tower don't realize what that will mean.
Fic: The Foster-Banner Protocol

Fandom: NCIS: LA
Characters/Pairing: Sam/G
Summary:Sam is willing to do whatever it takes to help G learn to trust someone. Sam's POV on the course of his relationship with G.
Fic: Come Home

Fandom: Saturday Night Live Weekend Update
Characters/Pairing: Seth Meyers/Stefon
Summary: Stefon writes haiku about his relationship with Seth. Here, he gets Seth to try some kinky roleplay.
Fic: The Show

fic, ncis:la, slash, snl, fanfiction, arrow, hurt/comfort, humor, kink, almost human, avengers, fanfic, crack

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