Fic: White Collar, Arrow, Almost Human, Terminator:SCC

Jan 11, 2014 02:10

Fics written for trope bingo:

For the supernatural AU square:
Fandom: White Collar
Characters/Pairings: Neal/Peter/El, past Neal/various
Summary: Neal is allowed to ask a mage to change one thing about himself. He looks at his past to figure out what he needs to ask for.

For the sex pollen square:
Fandom: Arrow
Characters/Pairings: Diggle/Oliver
Summary: Diggle/Oliver sex pollen scenario. Not cracky, surprisingly. The two struggle with the idea but eventually agree to it.

For the Fairy Tale/Myth AU square:
Fandom: Almost Human
Characters/Pairings: John/Dorian
Summary: Dorian remembers what it was like when he was deactivated, and what it felt like when John brought him back to the waking world. (Sleeping Beauty AU/fusion)

For the historical AU square:
Fandom: Almost Human
Characters/Pairings: John/Dorian, Sandra/Valerie
Summary: Steampunk AU. In which Kennex is an uptight Victorian gentleman, Stahl is a suffragist and scientist, and a man-shaped contraption says the most improper things.

For the free square (time travel trope):
Fandom: Terminator: SCC
Length: 1038
Content notes: Mentions of unhappy canon events
Author notes: Also for the History challenge at fan_flashworks.
Summary: Various characters' thoughts on history, time, humans and machines.

fic, angst, slash, white collar, fanfiction, arrow, humor, almost human, fanfic, terminator: sarah connor chronicles, femslash, neal caffrey, catherine weaver, fairy tales

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