Yuletide Recs - The Unit

Dec 25, 2013 04:47

For Yuletide, I received not one but TWO fics for the show The Unit. And they are both SO INCREDIBLY AWESOME.

Title: C'est la Guerre
Summary: Mack/Gael. After the episode Inside Out, Mack seeks out Gael for a little post-mission comfort.
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/1098890

This fic has such gorgeous reflections on Mack's state of mind about his family, his unit, what happened to him on the ship, and everything else. The relationship here is gentle but believable, and there's also a complex portrayal of Mack/Jonas' relationship as well. Completely beautiful character study.

Title: Chain of Command
Summary: "You almost lost a target."

"Almost won't get me court martialed," Mack said, and he watched Jonas' gaze promise consequences much more personal than court martial. His heart beat faster, even in the midst of an operation.

Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/1095770

This fic has Jonas/Mack in an established dominance/submission relationship, and the fic is both incredibly hot and incredibly lovely. The fic is amazing in its portrayal of what Mack gets out of this relationship and why he needs it. If you like kinkfic, fic about trust, fic about power differences, or comfort fic, this one's great.

yuletide recs, recs

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