Rare Pairings and comment fic - Chuck, Arrow

Aug 20, 2013 07:43

The Rare Pairings Collection is now open - they have Avengers, Star Trek, Teen Wolf, and tons of others:
Main Collection: http://archiveofourown.org/collections/rarepairfest2013
Treats: http://archiveofourown.org/collections/rairpairfesttreats2013/

I got a sexy Jack/Nolan Revenge fic with protective!Nolan: http://archiveofourown.org/works/922307

I also did two fics for comment-fic:

Fandom: Chuck
For: scripps, for the prompt Chuck/Casey "Killing for the Company"
Summary: Future fic set 10 years post-series. They've been together for years, but Casey still has secrets.

Fandom: Arrow
For: the prompt "Arrow, Malcolm Merlyn+Moira Queen, A Grief Observed"
Summary: Moira's POV on how grief changes Malcolm over time, and how Moira deals with her guilt about helping Malcolm.

fic, chuck, slash, fanfiction, arrow, chuck bartowski, john casey, fanfic

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