People have written great fic for me recently, both for exchanges and for (often very hard) prompts I have given. I wanted to rec them after MMOM, but I got busy, and then it made more sense to wait until recent exchanges were done. But I KNOW there is someone I forgot, but it is late and I am having trouble going through to figure it out, but PLEASE do not be shy - if you written me any fic in the past couple of months, I WANT TO KNOW and I will be sad to have forgotten (some ppl on my flist write so much wonderful fic that it's hard to remember if any was from my prompts even when I looked at their lj!). So I will add to this as I have my moments where I remember another great fic to add.
anyway - THANK YOU to these writers FOR WRITING FIC FOR ME OR MY PROMPTS (and thank you flist, as usual, for being wonderful :)
Rillalicious was the secret author of my wcpairing fic! It's a brilliant AU where Neal is a radical journalist CI who gets in trouble with the law and has to help infiltrate political extremist groups - but it's not all serious since there are hilarious lines and dialogue with Peter/Neal dynamic as wonderful as in the show (but better, 'cause there's sexytimes). It's terrific and I was thrilled to receive it - hot and sweet and smart, with a great and cleverly crafted plot too! photoash and I exchanged sentence fics, and hers include serious and funny ones from WC, Chuck, and Leverage. Great fics, including a hilarious El fic, Parker fic, etc. Go read! She also wrote MMOM fics for my prompts and did amazingly hot lovely WCRPS:
Matt wanting in on Simon/Zach: is Matt/Simon and is only sort of my prompt lol but it's great too: rabidchild wrote this hilariously clever response to the prompt "the last person you'd expect Mozzie to jack it for" for MMOM momma_66 wrote this lovely, intimate ficlet for commentfic for my prompt that Peter and Neal don't have sex the first time they sleep next to each other: definehome wrote this yummy hot sexy great mindgames Peter/Neal kinkfic for 5 Acts: garnet_words wrote a hot fun ficlet in response to a prompt at commentfic - "Peter/Neal, the sex is so much better when he feels guilty": CHUCK
hoosierbitch wrote this Bryce/Chuck fic for MMOM about Bryce watching a video of himself and Chuck when they were together, while thinking that he'll never see Chuck again. Heartbreaking and hot in equal parts, it's BEAUTIFUL afiawri wrote this back in the latest 5 acts - Bryce/Chuck spanking plus trust issues, and it's WONDERFUL: nevcolleil has been on a roll with many, many great ficlets. For my prompts at commentfic, she has written:
Great AU where Sarah is Chuck's geeky college friend and Bryce is the hot spy who comes to seduce him when he gets the Intersect: thinks about why Bryce is like a cyborg: Kaylynnkie wrote this wonderful piece for 5 Acts with Chuck losing the Intersect but really liking being without it in bed. TERMINATOR:SCC
hunters_retreat wrote this AMAZING John/Derek 19th century AU based on Frankenstein for my request for the jsay exchange - I didn't think anyone would try a prompt so hard, but she knocked it out of the park! mute90 wrote this lovely, sexy, hurty great fic for a commentfic prompt of John/Jesse/Derek: OTHER
iria4285 did this fanart for my Dollhouse prompt at smallfandomfest. It's a lovely Priya/Tony/Echo, with Priya painting them: Eosrose included a podfic of an Arthur/Merlin drabble I wrote in her amazing Merlin drabble anthology (it has ficlets by many authors, so if you like Arthur/Merlin at all, there's a ton of great authors there) and she does a great job reading them too: Hilarious Burn Notice Michael/Victor for commentfic: Hilarious commentfic ficlet - if Glee were done by Joss Whedon : doreyg wrote this super creative retelling of Little Red Riding Hood where Red and the Wolf are working together but then Red decides to betray the wolf and keep playing the good girl. Readingredhead wrote this excellent story about Beauty and the Beast, with the prompt that Beauty was secretly a warrior in her past: scarlet_gryphon wrote this funny great crossover ficlet for commentfic with Sam Axe (Burn Notice) and Eliot (Leverage) and the NCIS:LA crew meeting; they've all heard of each other but don't realize it since they all use fake names: nevcolleil wrote this great Dollhouse/Chuck/Leverage crossover ficlet about what it's like after a mission: