Thanks for writing! I hope you have fun with this :)
I'm not picky, and though my requests were rather specific, I'm open-minded about fic, and if you enjoy writing it, I'm sure I'll enjoy reading it. That said, since "I love everything" is not considered helpful, here are my dislikes and likes:
I like all genres except deathfic and songfic. I like gen and slash and threesomes but not het; it's not that I don't want het relationships mentioned at all, I just don't prefer fic that makes the het relationship the whole focus, whether it's romance or pwp.
Porn or schmoop or plot/casefic or angst or whatever is all good.
Any rating is fine. Gen is totally fine. NC17 is fine too. The only kinks I don't want are scat, noncon, pregnancy kink (mpreg or otherwise), or anything with kids or animals.
And the things I like about these characters:
Chuck: First, I know I requested an exceedingly rare pairing. If you don't like it, no problem. I would be just as happy to receive something like Chuck/Casey,Casey/Devon, Chuck/Bryce, or Casey/Frost(Mama Bartowski), Chuck/Casey/Sarah, or Chuck/Bryce/Sarah. I'm also completely happy to get gen, though since Casey is my favorite character, that would be cool if he were there somehow. In terms of specifics about the characters: I love that Casey seems to respect and even care about Ellie and Devon, even as it's clear he sometimes finds them to be a pain. I like that all of them stand up for what they believe in, and are smart but they don't always get it right. I also think Ellie's and Devon's constant communication of feelings would be a nice contrast with Casey's grunt-reliant communications system. I would also prefer an AU with Ellie not pregnant or maybe a futurefic where the baby is already born, since the show already has a lot of baby drama right now. On the other hand, if you want to do gen humorfic, I would love to see Casey, Chuck, and Sarah be told that they have to train Morgan and Awesome and Ellie (or Alex and Anna) in self-defense. Or maybe General Beckman joins them for fieldwork. Or some other funny adventure that you want to see them on - it's fun to see characters adjust to situations they're not used to. If you want to write serious stuff, serious angsty fic about the morality of their work, etc., is cool too. For this fandom, though, I kind of prefer a somewhat hopeful ending, even if there's angst to get there.
What I had in mind when I made this rare-pair request: Adelle is a badass, and I love that about her. I would love to see stuff after the Dollhouse is shut down, either before the last ep or after the last ep. I would prefer to read about Priya and Victor rather than their doll-personalities. I really am not looking for a Priya/Victor love story, but was hoping that their relationship would be established, and Adelle joins them in working on some project or in hiding out. Gen or three-person relationship are both good - I'm interested in how all their past stuff gets dealt with, or if it does.
Like I said, if you don't want to write this, Adelle & Echo post-series friendship fic is great too - maybe an AU where Echo and Adelle together work on rebuilding society? Or Priya/Tony/Echo fic is good, or Paul/Tony, or gen stories with these characters working together on something after the Dollhouse is kaput. Or if you like AU's, maybe an AU where the characters have different positions in the Dollhouse - Priya in charge, Victor as a handler, and Adelle as a doll? I know my requests for Dollhouse are kind of unusual, so honestly, anything that involves Adelle, Priya, Tony, and/or Echo, I usually like. If these ideas don't spark anything, I could also go for some Adelle backstory - something where she's having fun and enjoying life even though she still her - i.e., badass and smart and morally gray.
Futurama: I mentioned what I would like in the comments, but those are just some ideas. My favorite characters are Bender, Leela, and Fry, and so I am hoping for a fic about them that is either OT3 or humorous gen. The Professor is lots of fun, too, as are any species that likes to make fun of human beings. If this is your fandom, feel free to go a little crazy with the wacky adventures if that's what you like.
Sarah Connor Chronicles: I'm really open on what characters you want to write for this one. I like Weaver fic, but I get why not everyone would want to write her, so if you wanted to focus on my other favorite characters - Sarah or Derek or John or even John Henry and Savannah -- that would be just as great (John Henry and Savannah I would not want in any pairings, even if it's futurefic). I love the show's way of dealing with moral dilemmas, how machines think differently, etc., but that's not necessary to include if you don't want, since the complex character motivations and relationships are just as fascinating. I don't prefer John/Cameron or Derek/Jesse or Riley/anyone as pairings, though (sorry). But like I said, for this fandom, except for what I listed above, I'll go for anything: pairings or none, humor or angst or thinky fic or anything else.
If these ideas are too hard/weird/picky/outside your usual preferences, like I said, I won't be really upset or anything if it doesn't exactly match what I requested.
Whatever you do, thanks so much for writing and I'm sure I'll love it, so don't worry!
Meme found here: