Language Meme

Jan 29, 2019 09:46

Ganked from texelations:

1. My native language. English

2. Which languages I know. Ancient Greek, a little Spanish, a tiny little bit of Italian.

3. Which languages I am learning, or want to learn. I would love to learn French, Chinese, Welsh or Irish or Scots Gaelic

4. Does anyone in my family speak a language that I don't? Yes

5. My favorite language to listen to. Welsh? I actually think German and Scandinavian languages sound nice too. Also, anyone who speaks an ancient language is fun to listen to.

6. My least favorite language to listen to. Don't really have one

7. My favorite word in my native language. Not sure? I overuse "cool" in daily life, and in writing I probably overuse "gleaming." I like the word "marigold." Hard question!

8. My favorite word in my second language (if I know one). Basically the word for motherfucker.

9. My favorite word in a language I don't really speak.
My favorite is one I've forgotten! Someone told me that in Turkish there is a word for when guests or others say they don't want any snacks or drinks but they're saying to be polite or not put out the host. Or basically whenever someone says they don't want anything but they're just being polite and they should just accept the thing. LOL I wish I knew that word?

Other words I like:
Komorebi - Japanese for the interplay between the light and the leaves as sunlight filters through the trees
Mamihlapinatapei - Yagan for a look between two people who want something but are hesitant to start

10. A list of my favorite words in any language. See above

11. A song I like in a language other than English. - Gonna go old school and say that Enigma Gregorian chant song. Or, like, any opera song almost. Or Grieg's folk songs.

12. If I could pick one language to learn automatically without having to work for it, which language would I choose? Chinese or Japanese - because of the writing mostly, since that's hard for me to memorize

13. Have I ever seen a whole movie in a language I don't understand? Yes!

14. A language I like, but wouldn't put the effort into learning. Ancient Sumerian cuneiform. So cool but yeah, the difficulty to usefulness ratio isn't compelling.

15. A short introduction of myself in a language other than English: Me llamo Daria.


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