Fanfiction wishlist meme

Apr 22, 2017 22:04

Tagged by the lovely falkner to do this meme.

Instead of picking 5 people to tag - if you see this meme and want to do it, consider yourself tagged!

• List 1-10 pairings/prompts that you have been dying to read. Maybe it's a really rare pairing or something you've requested on any of the past smut memes/exchanges/etc which haven't been fulfilled.

• When you see this posted on your friends' journals, you may do one of the following:
- Write it.
- Link to one that's already been written, whether by you or someone else.
-Talk about if you are also interested in this type of fic/think this pairing would be fun.
- Nothing - it's just a wishlist! It's a conversations starter and just for fun.

• There are no length or rating limits, and prompts may be duplicated. Be specific in your prompts particularly in reference to any requirements that may hinder your appreciation of the fic.

• There is no deadline for this, but once your ten prompts have been written to your satisfaction you are welcome to make a new post starting over. You may write your own prompts if you want. If your tastes change, you can certainly switch out one prompt for another at any time.

TO REITERATE: this is not a "request" list but a "wish" list, if anything inspires you and you want to write it, I'd be super happy, but I'm not trying to fish for people to write my dream fic here, it's just in good fun.

My fic preferences: Prefer no character death, serious illness or injury, body modification, scat, watersports, underage, ABO, fisting, noncon as focus of story (dubcon okay).

Any rating okay. Hardcore kink and silly crackfic and character studies and all other genres equally liked.

My list: (in no particular order)

Note: Since this is a wishlist, I've focused on rare pairs rather than pairings or tropes that have lots of fic on ao3, etc., already.

1. CW DC: Barry Allen/Oliver Queen/Leonard Snart: Len and Oliver are both with Barry but they have to learn to find common ground with each other

2. SPN: One of these rare pairs: Dean/Ellen Harvelle, Sam/Jody, Castiel/Hannah in a male vessel (sorry if this offends anyone, it's a preference for porn rather than for gen - also canon only gave us 3 seconds of it)

3. Once Upon a Time, David/Regina with semi-dark!David being possessive and overprotective of her (maybe she's without her powers and he's under a spell?) I feel strong canon support for the idea of Snow/David having an open relationship (Snow/Ruby anyone?), so no cheating. OR, Emma/Hook/Regina, with Emma and Hook in their dark-one modes (but both still fighting it so only mostly dark).

4. Leverage/Lethal Weapon, Eliot/Quinn!Riggs, they meet again and Riggs has to admit that he was just pretending to be a British hitter this whole time and actually his background (Southern boy, former military) is a lot like Eliot's

5. Gotham, Mario/Jim, fix it where Jim saves Mario. Possibly Mario tending to Jim's injuries and being bossy about it.

6. Agents of SHIELD, Fitz/Will, Will is saved, Fitz helps him adjust and recover (headcanon that Jemma doesn't trust anyone but Fitz to help Will through this), eventual Fitz/Will/Simmons

7. Agents of SHIELD, Fitz/Simmons/Melinda May. How does this start? (Rather, how do Fitz/Simmons decide they want May, and how do these beautiful nerds seduce her?)

8. Arrow, Oliver &or/ Nyssa. I find their not-quite-friendship pretty interesting. What if they had to be married for an extended period, while Ras Al Ghul watched them closely, working to figure out Ras' long term plan? Nyssa figures out Oliver is faking being brainwashed and helps him. Maybe Oliver helps her mourn for Sara. If they have sex, it's comfort sex that's not very satisfying (maybe Nyssa pretends it's Sara the whole time?), but they definitely don't have to have sex. Maybe Oliver sees how messed up Nyssa's upbringing was and tries to subtly give her opportunities to experience normal life (like Laurel did in canon?), maybe Nyssa sees how messed up Oliver is and calls him on his bs? Or helps him?

9. Tennis RPF. Nick Kyrgios/Andy Murray or Nick Kyrgios/Lleyton Hewitt. Nick has a case of hero admiration. Mentorship, power difference. Kink welcome but Nick just having a crush is just fine too.

10. Legends of Tomorrow, Sara/Snart/Rip, anything


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