Agents of SHIELD, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, TImeless, Supergirl

Feb 21, 2017 23:40

Anyone want to talk recent TV episodes?

For Timeless, if you're on twitter/tumblr/facebook, please consider spreading the #RenewTimeless posts - I really hope we get a second season! Beyond that, anyone have any reactions to the season finale?

Anyone have thoughts on other recent TV?

Okay that was an INTENSE ep!

Fitz/Simmons was HEARTBREAKING

Simmons/Daisy have the loveliest friendship - that HUG. I love the two of them. And then both of them being COMPLETE. BADASSES. Loved it.

Radcliffe should have seen that coming.

May. Of course May saves the fucking day. OF COURSE. Even a machine with May's memories chooses to do the right thing and to save the day and to make the tough choices. That's how badass May is. LMD May has more humanity and insight into the human spirit than most human characters on this or any show. I actually really wanted LMD May to live, but this ending is good.

Ada and Russian guy have a weird dynamic.

I knew it would be Ward. Bleh. They just love the actors and the Skyeward ship I guess? I don't get it.

May is in charge of HYDRA. And her HYDRA didn't fall. Hm.

Mack was heartbreaking with the bicycle. Leaving the framework will wreck him.

I hope Fitz's gf is someone we know. Anyone. Random pretty lady is just a weak choice.

Anyway this was SUPER exciting, twisty, fascinating, and I wish we didn't need to wait until April for more eps.

I liked the Stargirl Amaya and Sara moments.

I think we all saw Sara/Guinevere coming :)

I did like that Mick was really funny knowing Stein stole, and then it was Mick who first went back for Ray.

Nate/Ray is cute.

Ray continues to be written as a dumbass. Or perhaps as someone with a death wish. Hard to tell.

Ray/Galahad fix it? In my headcanon anyway.

Also in my headcanon: future where Sara/Nyssa travel through time just to have 3somes with historical figures like Guinevere.

Jessie's story was weirdly acted and written.

Of course they got played.

I love that Harry makes fun of HR's mannerisms and everything else. I really hope with Jessie staying, Harry will stay too. HR can hang out on E2.

"Nasty woman" lol.

Awful stalker gets outsmarted.

I'm actually just super happy for Winn. I mean heroic blonde alien rescuers are his type apparently (though he seems to like brunets too, given his Superman fanboying). But I like their dynamic and their relationship and I was happy for Winn - and for her, because Winn is adorable. I hope they're together a lot.


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