
Jan 15, 2017 11:50

There were some podfic challenges recently and due to my transformative works statement (aka blanket podfic permission that I put on my ao3 profile), a couple amazing podficcers did terrific podfics of a couple of my fics :) I was excited of course, but I'm also incredibly impressed by the podficcers' work and all the artistry that goes into the ( Read more... )

angst, rec, shakespeare, slash, podfic, humor, recs, historical rpf, avengers, crack

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Comments 12

shanachie_quill January 15 2017, 17:46:06 UTC
That is so awesome! Congrats on having them chosen for podficc'ing!

I've gone back in and read the stories (re:read possibly), but I'm in the middle of doing some things so am not listening to the podcasts right now.


daria234 January 15 2017, 19:50:19 UTC

Hope you're the fun kind of busy :)


bm_shipper January 15 2017, 18:36:24 UTC
Awwwwwwwwww... that is pretty amazing. I mean, I'm not really into podfics but I feel like it's an honour if someone wants to do something like that with your work :)


daria234 January 15 2017, 19:49:55 UTC
I know, I was really grateful. I mean, I know a lot of it is things like who has a blanket permission, what fandom, what genre, what length, how much dialogue is in the story, etc., but it still feels like a present to me lol in a sense. And I don't podfic myself so I am so impressed by all their skills.


ragnarok_08 January 15 2017, 21:12:35 UTC
These are awesome :)


daria234 January 16 2017, 00:29:09 UTC


yourlibrarian January 15 2017, 22:50:29 UTC
That must have been a happy surprise! And yay for default permission statements :)


daria234 January 16 2017, 00:29:21 UTC
Thanks! :)


awakenyourfaith January 16 2017, 06:50:07 UTC
That's so cool!


daria234 January 17 2017, 02:22:27 UTC
Thanks! They did a great job.


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