Episode reaction for Legends of Tomorrow, DCU Wally/Bruce ficlet, podfic recs for Mulan, DCU/MCU

May 06, 2016 01:56

reena_jenkins made these great podfics, with her super funny line delivery:

Summary:DC vs. Marvel: Media reports of a bitter rivalry between the Avengers and the Justice League turn out to be overblown. Agent Hill still has to write a memo about it.
Fic: http://archiveofourown.org/works/6721726

Summary: Jason Todd/Bucky Barnes established couple fluff with snark.
Fic: http://archiveofourown.org/works/6721909

And blackglass did this great podfic of a Mulan ficlet I did a while back, about Mulan when she's in old age: http://archiveofourown.org/works/6710605

I have not written much lately but did do this ficlet for megan_moonlight at comment-fic:
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Wally West/Bruce Wayne
Prompt: AU where Wally is a waiter
Fic: http://comment-fic.livejournal.com/716058.html?thread=94616602#t94616602

So the latest Legends of Tomorrow ep:

Oh, look. What a surprise. Kendra should have killed Vandal. Rip should have listened to his crew. Ray should not try to be smart about anything except science.

I <3 Ray, but what was he thinking... It was sweet how badly he wanted to help Carter, though.I really think Ray and Carter should make out and decide to ask Kendra if they can ot3.

I thought Martin was fairly in character trying to save Jax no matter what. I don't see the logic of not letting anyone else leave unless he figured they were all needed to stop Vandal.

Sara was in character too - skeptical but willing to stick by Rip's side, imperfect as he is. He clearly trusts her so much - trusts her physical power to check if Vandal is still in prison, trusts her to admit his self-doubt in front of her, trusts her to navigate and pilot - so he trusts her with his prisoner, his psyche, and his ship, which is all Rip has really. I ship them a little.

I ship Sara/Len a lot, which I usually don't for pairs that canon seems to want to push me to like. I love that they were playing cards. I love that Len is also a badass with his instincts, and that he knows what's up, and that Mick falls in line because he knows how good Len's instincts are.

I LOVE Mick saying 'tell your friends that Chronos says kiss my ass.' Also liked when he threatened to kick Ray's ass. And Len when he said that Carter's reincarnating anyway so just get on with it. Robbers of ATMs have such good reasoning skills in this show.

I like how Sara and Kendra are the ones who kick the most ass. And part of it is that Sara trained Kendra, which is how Kendra kicked Vandal Savage's ass (and her powers helped too, but the training must have as well). So Sara with all her fear about her darkness is quite important to the future of the world.

Speaking of Sara - that Sara/Nyssa flashback was AMAZING. It was everything I would hope for in their first meeting post-Pit. She goes to save Nyssa, Nyssa tells her to live unburdened by the past, they clearly love each other so much.

The flashback with Felicity was cute too - I do like their banter. It does make me wonder if Felicity not being over Oliver made it even harder to see Kendra always love Carter.

Anyway, the ending: time lords are evil, big surprise.


fic, slash, podfic, fanfiction, dcu, arrow, humor, recs, batman, legends of tomorrow, au, avengers, romance, fanfic, crack

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