Little ficlets:
Fandom: DCU
Summary: For this prompt at comment-fic on lj: DCU, Bruce Wayne/Wally West, if you hurt what's mine I'll sure as hell retaliate
Fic: Fandom: DCU
Summary: For this prompt at comment-fic on lj: Roy Harper/Tim Drake, (425): Is it a good time to tell him he's getting too clingy if he sent me a picture of my name spelled with Cheerios?
Fic: Fandom: Leverage
Summary: For this prompt at comment-fic on livejournal: Leverage, Ensemble, Fantasy AU wherein Parker is a shape-changing dragon.
Fic: Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Summary: Jack/Sam/Daniel. Jack should have realized that their first threesome would get off track. Because of math, no less.