Title: Five Times Mick doesn't kiss Beth
Fandom: Moonlight
Rating: R.
Disclaimer: WB owns. I'm on the fiscally-responsible borrowing plan.
AN: These sprang up on me late last night, or rather this morning. Two of the scenes will be familiar to anyone who's watched the show. The other three are not canon-derived.
When... )
Okay, #2 is my favourite but #5 is currently ranked right alongside. The former because of that last line and the latter because somehow, Mick does really seem the complete 'other' in this. And it's nice, sometimes, to think that he can feel embarrassed about the mortality of his human girlfriend.
But perhaps Talbot at the glory hole is a bit much? Why does it have to be sexual? Couldn't it be something different? Though glory holes are pretty different in the general consensus; if I had had expectations it would have been an affair with the wife of one of his colleagues or bosses, so go you. ^_^
#1 was a little bit confusing but I'm assuming this is from the episode when they're in the desert and he's basically cooking to death and has to feed from her to recover. If not, I don't understand it at all.
I'm sure I've read #3 somewhere before. And #4 is actually a very good lead-in to #5.
To be honest, all of these work best when they work in the flow you've set them in. They're stronger in company.
So yeah. I enjoyed this. ^_^
Heh, #5 is definitely my favourite. Yeah, we talked about the 'why is all the scandal sexual?' thing. Unfortunately, I needed something that was not illegal/illegal [though sex in a bathroom and therefore glory holes IS illegal] but compared to fraud, molestation, rape, prostitution etc, it seemed the least of the evils. Plus, the psych background on cottaging is interesting. :P
You're right about #1. That was from when she fed him in the desert. I should've been clearer about it.
#3 is from a series that I'd started but never finished. The heels one. You have read that.
Yay, I'm glad they work together. I wanted a bit of an acceleration effect.
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