1. Mai does Azula's dirty work for her. She has servants at home for cooking and stuff, but she's perfectly capable of doing her own thing. At camp she's got Zuko to make her sandwiches or use as a pillow and basically be her completely whipped servant <3 I... don't know if this means she can see the shop or not. She wouldn't have any interest in it either way, tho.
2. I'm fine with it, assuming the other Avatar peoples are =3 Might make life easier, too, without having to explain who she is and what the Fire Nation is yet again XD;
3. She wants to go home~ with her Zuzu~ but obviously this can't happen because otherwise I wouldn't be able to play her anymore >> Beyond that, she's largely indifferent to everything. Make the swamp less revolting? XD; Petty things she'll just make Zuko do for her, she doesn't need a booby witch to do it for her XD
She doesn't have a lot to trade, just her daggers/needles/assorted pointy things (I don't know if she has a sentimental attachment to them or not, but I kinda doubt it), relationship with Zuko and friendship with Azula and Ty Lee.
2. I'm fine with it, assuming the other Avatar peoples are =3 Might make life easier, too, without having to explain who she is and what the Fire Nation is yet again XD;
3. She wants to go home~ with her Zuzu~ but obviously this can't happen because otherwise I wouldn't be able to play her anymore >> Beyond that, she's largely indifferent to everything. Make the swamp less revolting? XD; Petty things she'll just make Zuko do for her, she doesn't need a booby witch to do it for her XD
She doesn't have a lot to trade, just her daggers/needles/assorted pointy things (I don't know if she has a sentimental attachment to them or not, but I kinda doubt it), relationship with Zuko and friendship with Azula and Ty Lee.
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