
Mar 12, 2022 17:01

I don't really post on LJ or read much of it any more. I kind of miss it. To be fair, I don't know who really is still blogging on LJ. I remember reading in depth TV show meta, and following for translations of J-Pop related stuff. Obviously, used LJ to find and download shows. But I've kind of moved on? Maybe?

For instance, I don't really download shows anymore much. I just to stream them. My Japanese is okaaaay so I can go without subbed videos. Not so much the translations of articles or magazines because my reading is poor. Too many kanji!

Anyway I've had a Dreamwidth account for ages as well because I think at some point people were concerned that LJ was going to go away or something. I have a vague recollection of something about new owners. This may or may not be true but in any case in light of everything I exported all my posts to Dreamwidth. The comments didn't go with it. They failed importing and they just didn't try again. My account wasn't one that got significant comments on it so I'm not super worried about that.

So if you want you can follow me at the same username there: https://darenothope.dreamwidth.org/

I am also darenothope on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok (but I post about books so you know if that's your thing). I have a tumblr that I kinda sorta maybe use but that's not super interesting.

I miss blogging and blogs and things long than however many characters Twitter now lets you have. I know people still blog and post on here but I feel like the vibe's not the same. We're all into short snippets of things now.

Like some of my favourite food bloggers no longer blog. They just upload onto Insta and TikTok. I guess that's where the people are but sometimes, for food stuff especially, blogs are great.

I'm rambling.

See you around the interwebs!

x L

life, 2022, dreamwidth

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