Sep 29, 2004 23:53
I'm just procrastinating before I do my homework, which I really need to do because I have 3 sections of power notes for history due tomorrow and its almost midnight. But I really don't want to, because I hate my history teacher, because she is anal and completely bipolar and will laugh spastically one minute and then yell at you for laughing at the same thing she was laughing at because you're wasting time. I just finished my stat homework, which I hate doing because its so pointless and repetitive, I just keep saying the same thing over and over: "The graph had a negative/positive association (fancy word for slope.)" Not to mention the fact that my teacher doesn't teach very well and she only confuses me. Then there's chemistry which is so easy =/ I got a 100% on my matter test...but I still hate my teacher because he talks down to us like we're 3rd graders and tries way too hard to sound smart. He pauses in between phrases constantly and uses big words, some of which aren't real and are completely useless, such as "numericalize your paper" instead of "number your paper" and "graphical calculators" instead of "graphing calculators." And my Spanish teacher is on crack even though she swears that not everyone from her home country (Columbia) does drugs. And she is horrible at English and is really hard to understand and can't make up her mind. Like the first week of school I asked her if I could switch my seat since there was an empty one and she said "Ah, no, maybe, yes." and then moved someone else there. And she freaks out and starts rambling in Spanish way too fast saying like "Si, si, si, no, no, no. No me digas! Verdad?"(as we repeat what she says) and it goes on like forever. Then my biology class is dumb too because my teacher doesn't give you 0's for not turning papers in, she just puts that you didn't turn it in I'm missing like assignments and I have a 93% and she had to leave for some reason so we have a sub for like 2 weeks and we're just watching movies. Oh and my English teacher is a fucking bitch who I would swear has some real issues because she always has this dumbfounded look on her face and her voice is like really deep and it sounds like someone who has trouble speaking because they were born with a hearing problem. At the beginning of the year she was telling us about all stories about some girl who was a student of hers and about her daughter and shit. Like her daughter had a project on one of the states due and she worked really hard on it, but asked her mom to sew something for her the night before, but she refused because the daughter procrastinated. So her daughter had to spend the entire night in tears sewing a flag by hand, while her mother cried in bed because she could have used a sewing machine if she had helped her. This other story was about this girl who she had in one of her classes who was just a really bad student and ignored the dress code all the time (something my teacher is anal about) and she was the only student to ever get a phone call on the first day. But apparently later in the year the girl went up to the teacher to talk to her and was like "I need your help...I think I'm pregnant" and then they talked and bonded or something and after when my teacher asked the girl why she had come to her the girl was like "Because I knew you would care." And the whole time I was just thinking "OMG, if I was pregnant I would so not talk to Mrs. Miller about it, I would much rather give my self an abortion with a wire hanger and die from some vaginal disease with a really long name that I can't pronounce." I just really hate her because we had to write this stupid Homeric Hero essay and when we got it back I had a "see me" on it, so I get one rewrite to fix my mistakes and turn it back in so I can get a grade. I admit I deserve the "see me" because I had some major flaws in my essay...but she told our class to actually bring the essay to her in the morning within a week (when the rewrite is due) so she can go over it with us and tell us exactly what is wrong since we only get one rewrite and if we don't correct the major flaw the first time we get a 0. So I go in the next morning and ask her if there was anything else wrong with my paper that wasn't already marked such as the actual construction of the paper and not just like verb tense. So the whore tells me "Did you rewrite this?" and I was like "You told me to come in first to make sure I knew what all of the mistakes were." and she was like "I wrote them all write there...why are you here?" and then she goes off on a tangent about how no one listens to her. So I was just like "You said to come in before rewriting it" and then I walked out. I think the only teacher who I don't actually hate is my pre-calculus class, because I have the same teacher as last year and she loves me because I'm on the math team. Its the greatest class, its so easy and I don't have to turn in any of my homework until report cards because she'll take it any time, even if you just give her all the assignments at once the day before the deadline. It’s great because she doesn't care what we do in the class as long as we're semi-quiet so other people can learn and that we keep up our grades. SO basically I sit in class and take notes, while talking to my friends on the math team about inside jokes that no one else gets except Mrs. Singleton who makes inside jokes herself and laughs with us. Its such an easy class and she doesn't really care what we do...when we want to go to the bathroom we just get up and leave and we can sleep in class and she won't mind as long as we get the notes from someone else. My phone even went off in class and all she did was make one of those "Oooo" sounds that 3rd graders make when someone is going to get in trouble, laugh, and then continued teaching. She's honestly my favorite teacher and its the only class I really look forward too (not counting seeing my friends in my other classes, just talking class wise.) Anyway those are all of my classes and I feel better now except for the fact that I just spent half an hour updating my journal instead of doing my homework which will take me a long time and its like 12:30 now. Oh well I'll just not get any sleep again. =/