new fic!

Jul 19, 2012 00:16

rattle this town (high on summertime)
girl!Zayn/girl!Niall | PG | ~930 words
American AU; inspired by this picture and requested by romasquerade, who also made a beautiful color palette for this fic! Any mistakes are entirely my own and this is a work of fiction. Title and cut text to "Anna Sun" by Walk the Moon.

firecrackers in the east, my car parked south

and you and i can get a little rowdy
Zayn/girl!Niall | NC-17 | ~1100 words
Established relationship; Niall has a thigh tattoo and they have sex. That's pretty much it.
Again, thank you to romasquerade, this time for the beta! Any mistakes are entirely my own and this is a work of fiction. Title and cut text to "Okay Cupid" by Kitty Pryde.

you're a hell of a boy, your cigarette breath

fic locked at my community but membership is open.

fic: one direction, house-keeping

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