Jun 16, 2004 20:09
So...today was good,it was a pleasant 84 degrees out...except for in keyboarding it was like 84,000 degrees...but anyways today was a normal day.
I found out that MW got a livejournal recently, so that was cool.
Also i took the keyboarding final, it was a smidge harder than i expected, but overall i think i did well...so whatever. I also feel really prepaired for my upcoming math final and my science final on friday!
OMFG A HUGE SPIDER JUST RAN ACROSS MY WALL AND LIKE INTO MY CALENDAR..IT WAS FUZZY AND BIG! AHHHHHHH ...i just had my dad come save me! he killed it! it was a big mother!
Also today was very chill, like in spanish the long period we did nothing, and i didn't have the beast! Then when i got home, i studied in my hammock, and then took a nap in my bed, then i studied...and that brings me here!