Jan 19, 2006 19:46
well, lately things have been going mediocrely. nothing much has been happening my life, only the progressions of the same topic, so I guess I will fill you all in...
My parent's trial is set for the week of my birthday.
Kevin wants to take me, mom, peter, jen, and mike out to dinner feb. 5, so we're going to imperial fez.
My Saturday night this weekend will be encompassed by doing work for journalism, but the good thing is that i can play laser tag as i do it... long story- basically, our newspaper set up a blind date for our valentines day issue, and me and my partner have to tagalong to get info for our stories saturday night. so with any amount of luck, maybe mike and erica and whoever else will also tag along.
i miss just hanging out with mike. I've been so busy lately, and our schedules haven't meshed really well lately. I'm kinda getting tired of the quickies and other such blasphemes... except for the one last night- that one was delightful lol. Anyway, I think that that is all... at least what I can remember.
Oh yeah, I'm training feb. 1 to be a server!!! I can't wait... Except for the fact that after I leave the host stand, there is only going to be Jade and Ashley working nights... love Jade, but can't stand Ashley... and I know that she won't be able to do her job well at all... in any sense of the word. but, oh well- maybe mike will see how incompetent she is on her own and decide not to wait around and keep her until someone else comes along. i think a reasonable solution to it would be to fire her, and have me work her shifts when i am not a server- and give jade the rest. i'm sure jade wouldn't mind a few extra shifts. anywho... enough of the venting. im going to go wait for mike to get off of work. he's supposed to be gettin trashed with ann and erica tonight. i hate not being able to partake in the fun... gotta go to work. but it's thursday and corey is there. plus, mikki should be there too, so that's not so bad. smoke a bowl with corey afterwards, as usual. anyway, that's it.