Title: A Night at the Liberty Baths
Written by:
slave_o_spikeTimeline: Mid-season 2
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: There is the briefest moment of a threesome
Summary: A night at the Liberty Baths escalates into a riot and one police investigator has his hands full.
Author Notes: I don't really have to say this, but anything in italics is the recounting of the
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Actually I really do.
I read those books (actually all of them including book 6) out loud also to my kids AND my husband! I think I've read each book except for the 6th one at least two times. At first, when I heard about the HP fandom, I was also squicked out because of how they're kid's books (write whatever you want about Brian and Justin because that's canon and whatever you will about Buffy because it just needs to have stuff written) but JKR's books are perfect - why mess with perfection?
I just met a woman here who writes Harry/Ron slash and she got me into reading some of the slash and I didn't really want to but I must admit some of the stories (I really haven't read any all the way through) were interesting and took some interesting premises.
As far as the parselmouth? My 15 year old daughter and I were watching the second movie right before I watched this and she said (now remember, she was about 8 when she started reading these), 'is it just me or is that hot?' during the parselmouth scene. I had to concur - it was and then this idea hit me (for the dare challenge).
But because of the whole Harry Potter thing (which I empathize with you on totally), I thought that it might be pushing the envelope.
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