Meanwhile, in another universe...

May 08, 2006 00:49

* After a good few minutes of bickering about who is at fault for their current situation, Sixshot and Skids arrive at what appears to be an Autobot/Cybertron command ship. They peer at it for a moment, realizing they are close to finding out who ????? is.

Y'know, it's at times like this, when I'm being led by a strange group or Autobots as a supposed comrade of a strange looking Shockwave lookalike, toward a giant Autobot ship and about to face Primus knows what... I really wish I listened to Optimus Prime when I was a sparkling.

[Sixshot] *one antenna twitches* Why... what did he say?

Frag if I know. Didn't listen. Daydreamer, remember?
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