Sep 18, 2004 21:21 officially its all sinkin in... I am on my way to being a sorority girl...what a week this has been for me...yesterday friday morning at 12:00 i went to find out which sorotiy was going to give me a the night before i was so nervous i would get a call saying im sorry but you didnt get a bid...but my phone never =so happy
anyway i got my bid and waited til everyone in the room got theirs and then was able to open it and find out which sorority was going to give me a bid...and of course as you know by now i am on my way to becoming an Alpha Phi...yea!!!!
I walked outside let by the lovely jessica turk and was met with balloons and songs and all of the girls from the soroity... :) and then i was so mad cause they all went out to lunch and i couldnt go cause of a stupid english class...anyway i was so happy
Then i went out with james,Alex,jenn,and Jacob and went to the Haight for dinner and cheap movies and cds then went into the city to see Sky Captain anf the world of tomorrow...worst movie ever btw...i mean heres my take...wiz of oz meets power rangers meets star wars meets indiana jones meets cheesy ass 30's movie meets awful acting...yah can u tell i hated it...seriously the best part was when Gwenyth paltrol goes into radio city and the wizard of oz is playing on the screen and you see Judy Garland in her was such a bad movie ud think with such good actors it would be decent and it definetly had the potetntial to be sooo good but ehh...
Then we all went back to Alex's(who lives next door to me) and watched Rbin Williams frickin hilarious... then i went to sleep and today i went to union square to get some nice dress clothes and then we went to diner at Lori's Diner and then i came home...and i am sitting here typing away because i just totally feel the need to...
I wanted to say how happy i am for Ali and Katie and i wish you nothing but the are finally there and i know u will have the time of your life...
To the CHS THEATER FOLK: i am proud of you all and i cant wait to see the will be fabulous...congrats to Joe...i am damn happy and of course the lovely Raquel i couldnt be more happy for you ...
TO JESSICA TURK: i seriously am so glad you are here and that i will finally be getting to know you better this year...these week has been incredible and i am so gald i got to share it all with you...i know i have so much to look farward to and knowing u are there is just a huge bonus!
Do you ever feel like the walls are caving in and you cant much emotion, so much much everything....